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Old March 17th, 2018, 11:44 AM
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Shay Shay is offline
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Default Re: Escape -Official Rp-

Originally Posted by Mystic View Post
``I don't know! Everything once in awhile different twolegs comes in and takes one of us! and NEVER COMES BACK!`` She twitched her eye, and started to pace around, ``This place is CRAZY! IT DRIVES ME INSANE.`` She huffed and started to take a calm breathe, ``Phew.. sorry, I'm trying to stay calm but this place is like a trap cage where we don't have freedom!`` She sighed.
"...And how long have you been here, exactly?" he mewed, a bit of concern coming into his voice.

Larch woke up to Briar's yowls. Slowly, he opened his eyes, but didn't stand.
Ah, another one, he thought tiredly. Seems like an annoying furball. For a few weeks he had been there, and while the others were going insane trying to escape, he hardly cared. Sure, if he had the opportunity to leave, he would, but it seemed pointless to try. He continued to watch the new cat without getting up.
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Last edited by Shay; March 17th, 2018 at 11:45 AM.