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Old March 5th, 2018, 08:34 PM
Galaxy Of Wisdom Galaxy Of Wisdom is offline
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Default Re: We are the survivors. These are our stories.

Originally Posted by Rubinaito View Post
Copper stared at him blankly, prompting Charlie to speak up for her. “Neither of us know the fox, I’m afraid.” The owl fluffed up his feathers and hopped onto Copper’s back. “Do be careful with the dog, mind you, she’s in such a fragile state right now. She’s quite an idiot you see- essentially brain dead- and she wouldn’t do anything unless I tell her too. Plus, she’s my ride.” He added hotly. “Similarly she’s taken a liking to you- which is the case with everyone- so I wouldn’t break that delicate trust.” Copper barked, not really saying anything other than just making noise. Charlie knocked on her head with one of his talons, shushing her.

(Copper is actually really intelligent, she’s jut kinda in shock at the moment because she watched her owner blow up thanks to a bomb.)
XD k!)
He nods slowly “ .... taken a liking to me?” He suddenly laughs softly “ liking to me huh? Forgive me ... didn’t think cuties liked war beasts like me. But now I’m worthless...” he smiles coldly as he looks at the ground “ do whatever you want but I guess I can’t break the code. She saved me.. so she has me but first I have a-“ suddenly Naruto jumps onto Sasuke biting deep into his shoulder causing Sasuke the yelp in pain a bit but he quickly regains himself and starts trying to shake Naruto off even banging Naruto against the metal post trying to get him off eventually Naruto let’s go and quickly moves back standing in front of copper and Charlie showing his teeth growling loudly “ you stay away from her.” Sasuke laughs darkly “ says the mutt that killed my sister.” He looks at copper “ ..... I will not attack unless you want me too. My body and soul is yours command me so...”