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Old February 26th, 2018, 09:05 PM
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Default Re: Mud, Blood, and a Flash Flood

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline View Post
(Sounds good to me. Sorry this is late.

Thistleheart was pushing though the rain and mud his thick gray fur was easily coated with mud and soaked with rain. Weaving around his Clanmates to find an opponent he was almost raked across the muzzle with a flash of claws. He let out a hiss and snaped at the paw that just missed him, by a whisker. At first he was surprised till he found out that it was a ShadowClan cat, warrior judging by her size. Letting a deep growl escape him he unsheathed his claws and began trying to plan his attack. The black feline was smaller then himself but most females were, he was a large tom. Lashing his tail, he stalked closer to her in a haft crouch haft stand, getting just close enough he jumped at her. Mouse brained ShadClanner! He thought, this tom wasn't the most compassionate or friendly feline luckily fighting had nothing to do with compassion or being friendly. Mostly he believed what his father told him as a kit and apprentice. That true warrior didn't have emotions,
that was one reason he didn't get along well with Passionblaze. He and the deputy have never gotten along, it was just the was it would be. It wasn't like he wasn't loyal to ThunderClan because Passion was going to be leader, no he would fight to the death for ThunderClan, and he would lessen to orders.

@king kaleb!
Originally Posted by king kaleb! View Post

it seems like they couldnt catch a break.

but what scared them most was how easily nightpaw seemed to jump into battle. perhaps they had a habit of looking at her as the frail and scared kittypet they had brought into the clan long ago. but she was more than that, she was going to be a warrior soon. teeth and claws along with the scent of blood was in the air now, and it brought back to many memories. geckoleaf. the scent of blood triggered them now. they could remember how her blood felt running down their paws as they held her close, watching the life drain from her eyes as she died from wounds. they could remember the last gathering where this had happened, where she had gone missing just like this. how they had taken a syndicate fighters eye out. they had watched it roll into the grass.but they were also a warrior. they had the training, the skills to defend themselves, yet when it came to emotional stabability thats a different story. but it seemed when wars happened they always lost something. after the tension with riverclan and shadowclan, russetstar had stepped down. then cricketpaw died. then geckoleaf died.

nightpaw couldnt die too.

they watched her flood into the scene of fighting cats, amber hues narrowing on the cat she was fighting. they were much bigger than her by the looks of it. they knew she could do it, but they couldnt have that risk. that risk of losing her too. they bounded across the gathering clearing, running faster than they ever had. things seemed to blurr out of their senses and the only thing they were focused on was their friend, nightpaw. their other half they would describe her. they could feel their claws dig into the dirt and fly behind them with how fast and how much force they were using. once they were close enough to the thunderclan warrior she was fighting, they balanced all of their weight in their haunches and flung themselves forward into the air, front paws outstretched and letting out a loud yowl of fury at they aimed for the side of the thunderclan warriors ribs.
Nightpaw just missed her surprise attack, and now that she had the tom's attention, he was stalking toward her. Now that he was, Nightpaw saw for the first time, just how much bigger her was than her and a jolt of fear shot through her as she gave ground, hissing at him as she kept her ears flat and her teeth bared. It wasn't as if she'd never fought a larger cat before. Her own mentor for one... Then again, Goldenstar had never had that look in his eyes either. That one that this warrior had that said he was ready to shred her. She saw him crouch low and could tell the pounce was coming, and that she did not want to be under him when he landed. She got low, ready to spring away and circle around him wherever he wound up. But before he could spring, a flash of golden fur whizzed through the air, right at him. Nightpaw was too stunned to register what had happened right away, but she knew that pelt anywhere. "Daydream?" What in the name of Starclan are they doing?
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