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Old February 17th, 2018, 12:13 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Training Moor

Originally Posted by Fuzzyfeline View Post
(Thank you.)

Silentpaw gave the slightest of nods showing that she understood. Bracing her muscles she waited a heartbeat before pushing herself off the ground again. She just made it over the ginger tom landing firmly on the snow. With a swift side step she was turned around doing so she added the last part of the move landing her right beside Stormbreeze. She didn't snap at her mentor's leg afraid she wouldn't be gentle enough. Pleased with herself she looked at Stormbreeze with bright pale blue eyes, full of hope. I thinknI did it right! She told herself excitement filing her white and pale grasy body.
Stormbreeze heard the soft thud of his apprentice landing carefully before he saw it, he whipped his sandy head around to observe her turn and purred in satisfation when her body moved exactly as he taught her. "Well done Silentpaw, though I assume you wouldn't be so merciful if I was a badger, right?" Stormbreeze mewed, turning to face Silentpaw, "The good thing about this move is that you can use it on cats too. If you are fighting a large, strong warrior, they could easily pin you to the ground, and that would be game over for you. Most warriors expect fights to be head on, that you would go for the stomach or throat, so if you need a quick response this will work for you. While this move certainly isn't enough to win a battle, if you injure their legs, their mobility will be significantly reduced."

Stormbreeze shook his legs, attempting to dislodge the thin layer of snow that coated his paws. "For you currently, your most important weapon is your nimbleness. Though, I would advise if you use this move on a cat, aim for the upper part of the hindleg, your jaw isn't strong enough to injure the bone of the lower leg."

He took a few steps back towards the direction of camp and flicked his tail in instruction for Silentpaw to follow, "For the first moon of your apprenticeship we are going to focus on agility, and we can start building your strength when you are a little bit older. And we can start by running back to camp, try to keep up as well as you can and remember if you start slipping on the snow, shorten your strides until you steady again." Stormbreeze hesitated mid step before he took off, giving Silentpaw a chance to process his words and start running herself.
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Last edited by Radler; February 17th, 2018 at 12:14 AM.