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Old February 10th, 2018, 05:59 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by king kaleb! View Post
Daydream peeked around the corner of the den where they were sorting herbs, amber orbs scanning the deputy immediatly for any injury. they had picked up the habit a long time ago, mind processing quickly what needed to be done. they stared at her for a minute through slitted eyes before greeting her back,"Hello, Im guessing youre finally here for your injuries? Im not that blind to be seeing you try walking around with that shoulder of yours." they commented, padding a bit closer to the molly and taking a sniff. hm. no infection it seems like. "you heroic cats thinking duties matter more than your health, ive heard it all," they sighed. they had never spoken to the deputy before despite remembering the day she had gotten appointed. daydream had attempted to get close to goldenstar, but the tom seemed to either cower or get anxious at every little word daydream said, so they stopped trying to socialize with the other highranks.
The sheepish look returned to Halfgaze’s face as Daydream spoke of her neglecting her wound and of all the other cats who did the same. The deputy knew that they were right and didn’t retort. She had been rather mousebrained for waiting this long. She spoke after Daydream had finished, Hello, Daydream. You’re right, I am here about my shoulder and I did wait too long. Lately, my shoulder has been hurting worse than it did during and immediately after the battle.” Halfgaze hoped that her shoulder wasn’t infected or irreparably injured. She wasn’t a terribly anxious cat, but the thought of ruining her shoulder and having to retire to the elders den in her prime because she was to busy to visit the medicine cat made her pulse quicken. It was a good thing that Halfgaze didn’t have anxiety, it gave her the ability to calm herself down. After silently telling herself that she was being crazy, Halfgaze refocused her mind and eyes on Daydream. She had been meaning to pay them a social call anyway. Halfgaze didn’t know the medicine cat and figured that she ought to get to know them. Clan highranks were closely entwined, after all.
go ahead and cry little girl, no one does it like you