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Old February 10th, 2018, 12:46 PM
red_inactive red_inactive is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Suspiciousmindz View Post

@hiraeth @mompaws
(Just so you guys know, the kits are born! You don't have to reply to this RP if you don't want to, this was just a heads up!)

Amberstrike was a queen, once again. She enjoyed, but hated it, being trapped in the nursery for moons at a time. She simply wanted to be out and about, but for now, her kits came first. Until they were able to eat solids at least. Speaking of eating, she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed by the noise her stomach created. Thankfully, StarClan seemed to be on her side as her mate padded into the nursery, she could ask him to grab something perhaps? She didn't for a few moments as he greeted her, a warm purr leaving her throat. Her hues shifted down towards the newborn kittens, their bodies mostly covered by her thick pelt. Often times she found herself draping her tail over them to keep them warm against the bitter cold of the outside world. "They're lovely, indeed," she replied, her eyes scanning over their tiny bodies. Amberstrike flattened her ears slightly as her stomach created another horrible noise. "Ha- I guess I'm hungry," she spoke, looking up towards Oakenfur, embarrassment clear on her face.
Oakenfur blinked in mild surprise at the loud, obnoxious noise his mate's stomach had created and let out a warm, amused laugh in response. He stretched out his paws and got up, the warmth of Amberstrike's presence still lingering for a moment. "I'll go grab you something. Is there anything, in particular, that you'd like?" He asked, hesitating a bit to look back at her and to wait patiently for her response.
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