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Old February 10th, 2018, 12:44 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Owl View Post

Cedarpaw gave a cool smirk at the she-cat below him. "And what do you intend to do with those?" He motioned with his nose at her claws before flexing out his own. His claws were a bit larger than her and he held back his amusement.
One of his favorite pass times consisted of teasing Ashpaw any chance he got. That was apart of the funny relationship most call friendship shared between the two. His ears then flicked at Ashpaw's comment about him slipping out on training. Snorting half-heartedly, the tom lifted an eyebrow. "No, no I am not. I have finished my training, passed my assessment smoothly and will be given my warrior name along your side." He narrowed his eyes accusingly. "Have you forgotten?" The smokey gray tom felt a little taken aback that the she-cat he had trained along side for so long, was so out of it and stuck in that little head of hers, that she couldn't even remember the he, too, passed his assessment.

Cedarpaw, himself, couldn't believe the day had finally came when he was told he'd have his assessment. It felt nice that all of his training was now behind him. He had some hurtles to get over. He was large, bulky, muscular, which were all downfalls in some shape or form when it came to both hunting and battling. Cedarpaw worked hard to overcome these hurtles. He had stretched his body everyday, allowing his body to become more flexible and easy to twist around in battle. He ran laps around ShadowClan's territory to strengthen his muscles and to make sure any fat on his body turned to rock solid muscle. This leaned him out, made him more sturdy, harder to knock down in battle. Flashbacks of his training resurfaced. He had failed many times to do what his mentor wanted him to do, but failure turned to success eventually.

Unlike Ashpaw, who had been born and raised in ShadowClan, Cedarpaw was brought to ShadowClan. This made him fight, practice, hunt, everything and anything a cat could do, to show his worth and prove himself a loyal ShadowClan cat. He had no recollection of his past before joining ShadowClan. All he has ever known, was ShadowClan.
Sharp yellow eyes narrowed at Cedarpaw’s teasing remark, but Ashpaw didn’t give him the satisfaction of an answer. She had learned earlier on that it only egged him on - that he would continue making fun of her until it stopped being fun for him. And the more retorts she gave? The more fun for him it was. Still, after only a few minutes, the she cat couldn’t resist saying just one thing to him - ”More than you could do with yours.” She mewed, with a semi-teasing smirk, although the rest of her expression remained serious - Ashpaw had only been half-kidding. His claws were probably able to do more damage than her own… Cedarpaw’s whole build was muscular and powerful.

He was able to do more damage to her then she could do to him, but that didn’t stop the dark feline from trying. Ashpaw would soon be a warrior, and at that point, she wouldn’t care whether Cedarpaw was stronger then her or not… she would prove herself just as much as he did to her Clan. ”Oh yes… you did pass, didn’t you? Congratulations.” The she cat had been thinking about her own beginnings for quite a few days now, so much so that she had almost forgotten she had a friend who had been working pretty hard to win a spot in ShadowClan as well. Ashpaw was not familiar with Cedarpaw’s background, at least not most of it… she had known him throughout most of their time as apprentices, but before then, she didn’t know where he had come from. Ashpaw wasn’t 100% sure that he was ShadowClan born, or at least, of full ShadowClan blood.

And yet, he seemed to fit in so perfectly here that she didn’t know whether or not she could believe anything else. There were a few other things she wasn’t sure of as well, but she tried to put those out of her mind as she focused on the future that she and Cedarpaw would have soon. Soon both of them would be warriors. Soon there would be a new story to tell… the story of how ShadowClan regained greatness, and forgot about the previous lost battles. All Ashpaw wanted was for them to be respected again. Right now? They weren’t nearly as powerful as they could have been.

”When we are both warriors, we should find out a little more about the way things are being run under the current leadership. Cats are more likely to talk to warriors then apprentices about those things.” It was an irritating fact, but a true one. For whatever reason, Ashpaw had found that warriors were kept at least twice as informed as apprentices were - and younger cats had to get their news from secondhand sources.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.

Last edited by lone; February 10th, 2018 at 12:44 PM.