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Old February 8th, 2018, 08:25 PM
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Tavvi Tavvi is offline
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Default Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Midgefur View Post
[ooc: Sorry for the wait, I forgot I had an online urinalysis quiz I had to do and it was due last night, so I read your post but didn't reply. ;u;]

With a rush of excitement as the vole scampered out onto the surface of the snow, the chocolate molly quickly tried to pin it down, but her paws missed time and time again and smacked the snow as if she were playing a drum set. With a twinge of embarrassment, Snailflower watched as it scuttled quickly away on tiny pink paws, before bounding after it, throwing snow about in a less than graceful way.

Out of the blue, she heard her name being shouted and her embarrassment grew- someone had seen her fumbling around. Quickening her pace, she rounded the vole and watched as it thankfully turned with her, being herded in the direction of her clanmate.
"Nimblewhisker! Help me catch this silly thing!" She huffed with a laugh, pouncing for it yet again and landing paws-first in the snow without a prize.
Nimblewhisker tried to restrain his laughter at the scene playing out in front of him but, in the end, couldn't help himself from letting a high pitch snicker at Snailflower misfortune. He knew that as much as he wanted to he wouldn't be able to provide much help. If Snailflower an averagely sized and skilled warrior was having trouble catching a vole. Then he who was often times mistaken for an apprentice and utterly stunk at hunting wouldn't fare much better. But, he supposed there was no problem in trying so he couched down tensing his muscles before pouncing. And, just as he thought he would he failed miserably missing his target by a long shot and probably looking completely stupid doing it. At the least, he thought Snailflower might have gotten a good laugh.

Last edited by Tavvi; February 8th, 2018 at 08:30 PM.