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Old January 27th, 2018, 06:38 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Charmer View Post
Shinefang blinked at the Shadowclan medicine cat in surprise. "Mousedung on foxdung, maybe you actually do read minds," he murmured. "I would appreciate that. I'm doing the best I can here, but..." he shot a glance at the apprentices to make sure they were both still sleeping, "I can only do so much with just my memories from getting hurt and patched up. Here, let me show you what I'm working on now." With a wave of his tail, he signaled for Daydream to follow him deeper into his den and padded closer to one of the sleeping shecats. "This is Gorsepaw," he told the Shadowclan cat quietly, "She came in with a broken tail. I honestly didn't think it was that serious and put some comfrey on it but asked her to stay the night to be safe. Then in the middle of the night, her tail started to stink like crowfood. I figured the tail must have died somehow, but she seemed fine. I told her the tail would have to be removed, gave her enough poppy seeds and willowbark to numb her up and knock her out, and had to chew it off while she slept. I was amazed she didn't wake up. She lost a lot of blood and I used well over half my cobwebs trying to keep her from bleeding. She seems to be doing well now. Very active. I mostly have her here now because her tail stump is still covered in scabs and I don't want her tempted to do anything to cause more bleeding. Plus, I'm putting cervil on it at least twice a day. I put Comfrey on it too, but I don't know if it's doing much... I only knew it was good for bones." His explanation finished, he looked at Daydream. "That's what's gone on so far. No tell me how I botched it. I have no doubt something about that was wrong." Shinefang was not a cat with delicate feelings, and he was ready to learn from his mistakes.
daydream followed inside the den, small pawsteps as to not wake the other cats sleeping. they listened, ears perked as they made their way closer to gorsepaw, taking a small sniff from her tail. "When a wound is stinking it is most likely from infection, as that has the strongest scent. with proper treatment there could have been a chance to save the tail, but the recovery process wouldve taken long, as tails dont have thick tissue and nerve endings like the rest of us does, there for they are more prone to infection and can come off easily. if you catch an infection, or more like start smelling something, an ointment is the best way to go." they commented, taking a brief look at the scabs. "Right now, since youve taken off part of the tail, youve also taken off part of the cats bone. so keeping these scabs clean until it turns into rough scar tissue is important." daydream may acted like a moody teenager with their mouth sometimes, but they were passionate about their work, and took it seriously, having photographic memory and having the knowledge of herbs on the spot. "For right now, youll want to use broom. they look like small, budded yellow flowers and only grow in shrubs, youll mistake them for weeds. also comfry root is good. its used to sooth wounds and for joints, which youll need since the tail needs to repair from the bone and its bone marrow you just took off. other wise use golden rob to prevent infection, and take all of the herbs i mentioned and chew them into a pulp, mix in some cob nuts to make it into an ointment, itll look like a thick paste, then apply it to the tail. do not use cobwebs on the tail, as cobwebs can cause infection since they were on the dirt ground and everything. use thick leaves instead to keep the ointment in place and protect wounds."