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Old January 24th, 2018, 03:25 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

Thea didn’t feel like attracting too much attention. She knew she was a spitfire, but she was a weak one. She lacked strength to carry out a full fledged fight. That still didn’t stop her from yelling at him like she always done. It didn’t stop her from breaking her limits until they both felt an empty hole in the deep of their heart. Thea knew she wasn’t accepted by thenwaeriods, the queens, or most of the apprentices in Windclan, but she was grateful that Blazingstar allowed her to keep her name and stay for safety. To prove her loyalty, she was desperate to be accepted so she raised Mothkit and Nightkit as her own. Maybe the clan could see that she was useful. They were under the impression that Thea was a kittypet, and she was, but not always. She was a lab experiment. She had been drowned, burned, electrified, brought from the dead and back to life to test the curiosity of harsh twolegs. When they impregnated her by force, the father of her kits were sickly and he died soon after. Thea was put in a loving home with an elder because they needed the litter to be strong. It was the first time she seen how beautiful the outside was. She was fed, cared for, possibly loved. She ran away after a loving friend of hers died, where she stumbled into the forest. She didn’t know the dangers it held, so she had miscarried her first litter. It devastated her! She found Windclan, skinny, a little scarred, so she was grateful. Thea let out a small sigh, “It would be nice if you could communicate with me instead of leaving.” It was out of her place to call him not a real tom, but she was emotional and she felt panicked. It was the heat of the moment type of thing. But, she didn’t mean it. She didn’t even bother to apologize for it. Listening to Weaselshade’s next words had hit home to her. She flattened her ears to her head, and looked away for a moment. Others around them was probably annoyed with how much they fought, and wondered why they produced a family together if they couldn’t get along. Thea knew she didn’t hate Weaselshade. She was longed past that stage. She didn’t even feel disgusted with him anymore. She had a lot to thank him for, but she never knew how to approach the matter. “I know.” She whispered, quietly. She was too choked on words to actually answer him. “I’m sorry.” She admits. She brushed past the tom towards her nest, her tail between her legs which was a sign of submission. She wasn’t going to stop him from leaving. She felt a bit overwhelmed. When she slowly lifted herself into the soft bedding. She had thought Weaselshade left out by now, but she was surprised when he followed her back to her nest. He sat down next to it. Subconsciously, Thea had made room in her nest for him to settle down. “You don’t have to be a stranger, Weaselshade.” Thea looks up at the tom. “You know you can lay beside me.” She quietly add. Her eyes flits towards her kits, and a gentle smile grace her face.

Weaselshade had always assumed Thea actually didn't care, he expected her to be yelling at him. He had assumed she was going to keep yelling at him and not care what he said. Never did he expect her to go from about to scratch him to apologizing and telling him he could lie down in her nest. He knew she was a confusing cat, and he never attempted to understand her. He used to not care about how she felt, but he did now and now he attempted to understand her. He failed. She was so complicated, always having mood swings and yelling at him. He didn't understand it, but he didn't feel like he needed to. Weaselshade got into the nest, and lay down beside her, surprised by how comfortable the queen's bed was. It was definitely not like his, but there was another cat in Thea's nest, and his nest was cold. He followed her gaze over to where the kits were playing, and he watched her smile. He could understand why she had wanted kits so bad. She loved them, she adored them. But most of all she probably felt like raising kits was the only thing she could do for the clan. Weaselshade knew that she could learn, but he also was glad he finally understood something about her, even if it was probably the simplest part. He rested his head on his paws and began to gaze around the nursery. Since his and Thea's argument had ended there seemed to be a calm filling the nursery, it appeared there always was. Sleeping kits and queens, playing kits with their parents watching them. Everything joyful in the clan seemed to be happening in the nursery. "I can see why you like it in here." he murmured, smiling lightly as he continued to observe the joy and calm everyone seemed to be experiencing. He had made the right choice coming in there after the fight, even though Thea had been moody.
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