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Old January 21st, 2018, 11:43 PM
Galaxy Of Wisdom Galaxy Of Wisdom is offline
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Default Re: Love at its worst ( limited)

Originally Posted by tinyalienkid View Post
her eyes widened and she shook her head. i don't need anyone to help. akio's hair whipped up in an icy wind, eyes like an abyss of nothing. her cheeks flushed slightly, though it was from the cold nipping at her skin. please don't take me to anyone. i'm perfectly fine. akio pleaded with the woman, a small sound, like a whine, emitting from her. she stepped back before looking around and darting off. akio ran as quickly as her short legs could take her, hand reaching up to take off her hat so it didn't fly away. i just need to make it to my apartment. her hair flew up and waved around wildly, her jacket doing the same. once at her apartment, akio ran up the stairs and struggled to unlock the door, but when she did, she opened and slammed it after running inside. her form slid down the door and she locked it once again, breathing heavily.
She nods “ as you-“ her eyes widened when the girl suddenly booked it. She immediately begins to follow her “ whoa! Hold up wait-“ before she could even stop her form closing the door she slips and hits her head hard against the now closed door she falls back and gets back up a bit covering her now bleeding nose “ ow” she says simply as she knocks on the door “ come on doll. I wasn’t going to do it anyway he’s most likely busy and I won’t do anything you don’t want.. come on please oh! My names Crimson just in case I didn’t say”