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Old January 9th, 2018, 06:04 PM
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AbsurdJinx AbsurdJinx is offline
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Default Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

[ it's okay, so long as you didn't forget c= ]

Juniperpaw didn't even have to further approach Ripplepaw to recognize the injury. ``Ah, don't you worry; you've merely sprained your foot, and it doesn't look too bad. It's definitely not going to ruin your chances at becoming a warrior,`` the young medicine cat purred softly as she spoke, slightly amused that the warrior apprentice believed she'd fail to conquer her dreams. ``I could offer you poppy seeds for the pain, unless you'd rather attempt to fight it on your own? The poppy seeds will also help you sleep, which will do well seeing how you're going to be resting in your nest.``

Juniperpaw felt bad that she'd have to assign Ripplepaw to her nest when the she-cat was so eager to become a warrior, but if the other feline wanted to be a warrior she'd have to heal properly - otherwise she'd never reach her goal. ``Sprains need time to heal. You can do that by resting, and no training for the next few days. Physical activity like that will only further disturb your injury. I'll allow you to walk to the nearest stream - and no further! - so you can dip your paw into the water. If, of course, you can find an area where ice hasn't glazed over.`` Juniperpaw's whiskers twitched and the corners of her lips curled upward slightly.


Juniperpaw wasn't too busy... She had way too much time on her paws and was currently just lying in her nest, staring at the wall of the den. Her back was to the entrance to the den but her ears were erect in an alert manner, in case someone required her assistance. She'd already cleared out all the useless remains of the herbs she'd used today and she'd gone over her training twice today. She wasn't a huge fan of training alone. Taking an herb, staring at it and then giving it a name was so boring! Juniperpaw had been itching to escape herbs all day but the moment she had a break to do just that, exhaustion attacked her and carried her over to her nest. Now that she was resting though, she felt the urge to get up and do something. Groaning loudly to express her boredom to the world, the young feline rolled over, off her nest, and onto the den floor. She stretched her limbs out, adoring the sounds of her muscles adjusting, and then she relaxed. She was now on her side, legs sprawled before her, and her gaze locked on the den entrance while her tail-tip twitched casually.
My activity is likely gonna be a lil' wacky, so please be patient with me if we're roleplaying! Thank you so much!

Last edited by AbsurdJinx; January 9th, 2018 at 07:55 PM.
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