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Old January 2nd, 2018, 02:06 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Shoes View Post

(Sorry for taking a long time to reply)
Anxiety coursed through Jadepaw after she spoke, the time before Dream replied seeming way longer than it was. Maybe she should have worded things differently, maybe she should have waited a little longer to drop that kind of news on the tom. Maybe she should just run away now and hope she never had to face Dream again. But what kept her standing there was a deep down anger towards her mother and a long for a proper parental figure. She never wanted to say that she was related Fawnpatch after she left the nursery, she loved her mother in a way that made her hate herself for it. She wanted to tell her mother but around the older molly she just wanted to act like a kit forever and get her attention. Jadepaw new she was young, she could make her own future and forget her mother, but all her plans started with getting to know who her father was.
The words made Jadepaw step back a bit, she wasn’t expecting that kind of tone or reaction. Her smile was dropped and her mouth grew a little dry, was her father not going to accept her? “W-well…” This wasn’t the kind of thing she had imagined. When she thought of this moment she imagined that Dream would recognize her, that they would bond and Dream would say that he was sorry he wasn’t around when she was younger. She should have just stuck to only training, doing only as she was told instead of going off and doing something as unpredictable as this. From the way Dream spoke of Fawnpatch, Jadepaw wondered how they had ever fallen in love in the first place, how they ever got to the point of having kits. But, either way, her suspicions were being confirmed from what she heard. Her father wasn’t around because of her mother. “Even if my mother wanted me to do this, I wouldn’t know. She barely ever spoke to me.” She gained a little more confidence knowing that they shared similar thoughts on Fawnpatch. Jadepaw hadn’t seen her mother since she became an apprentice, she wasn’t in the nursery anymore, which made the place seem warmer. She’d adamently been avoiding the molly by spending all her time training.
She took another deep breath in to collect herself before she spoke once more. “My name is Jadepaw, I left Fawnpatch and now I want to find my father.” She paused, looking the other properly in the face before she continued. “From what I’ve been told, you’re my father.”
Back when Dream had acknowledged himself at having a warrior's name, he was called Dreamcatcher. During that time, he recalled being entangled with Fawnpatch. She was one of the pretty warriors that caught his eyes, so he wanted to see where they ended up. If he would had known that he would be looking at a tiny version of what produced from him and her, he would had never allowed himself to become so...ugh, weak. Dream didn't have any time in his life fretting over a mate and kits! And, he badly did not want to hear those tormenting words that he knew would eventually come out this apprentice's maw. The marbled tom had accused Fawnpatch of putting the little one up to this, but her words caught him a little off guard. From what he remembered, Fawnpatch was pretty much always in her own world, which was no surprise, but he also figured that a queen would pay attention to her kits. ''Your mother hardly spoke to you?'' He gasped, his eyes widening. ''Talk about a drama queen, eh, kit?'' He joked. Still the same Fawnpatch he knew and tried to avoid. ''I bet she's in her little world of fabulous and happiness right now.'' He snickered with a shake of his head. Honestly, Dream saw this as a dead end. He didn't know what this molly wanted from him, or what she needed from him. In the back of his mind, he knew the truth. He knew that she was his kit. He just didn't want to accept it. Actually, he was planning an escape route before those little words... - ''Ahhh! Come on, kit! I toldya not to utter those words!'' He exasperated. He didn't want to hear that he was her father. His world could had shattered at those words, but instead he straightened his posture and narrowed his eyes at...Jaypaw...? No, no - that wasn't her name. She sounded like she said that name. Junepaw...? No, not that either. It was... ''Listen, kit,'' He started - Jadepaw! Yeah, yeah - that was her name. Okay, good. He could remember that. ''Uh - I mean, Jadepaw.'' The marbled tom decided to sit next to her, throwing a paw casually over her shoulder. ''Congrats! You,'' He paused, founding the thought of being a father sickening even deeper. ''But, you shouldn't want to leave your mother. She keeps your best interest in her heart, you know. She's just...she's just, '' Not even he could justify for most of Fawnpatch's actions, unless it's heartbreak that he knew he caused a while back. But, that was such a long time ago! Dream peered at Jadepaw. How old is this one...? Nevermind that for now! Fawnpatch should had been over him. He knew he was a dream and all...but, Fawnpatch should had known what she was getting into. Dream sighed inwardly. He didn't even know what he was getting into. ''She's Fawnpatch! She's your mother! You shouldn't want to find your father. Oh, no. That is a bad move.'' But, she had found him. She found you. Why did she find him? Dream had been carelessly living his life, exploring here and there, hanging with his best friend without a care in the world. Dream was pretty sure that with all the other mollies he was with, that they resulted in kits. But, those kits weren't leaving their mother and interested in finding him. So...why was this one? A little part of Dream's heart would had tugged at the mere thought that Jadepaw cared to know him. That she wanted that strong bond with him, but Dream didn't find it in his heart to grant her what she wanted. She should be focusing on her training and staying away from him. As Dream eyed her warily, he would had scoff. He did gag, however, but continued to put on his front. ''But, how about we keep that noun to a minimum, hm?'' First the fact that he didn't like to be addressed as a father. Second the fact that he didn't want to be a father. I suppose accidents happen... Dream withdrew himself from Fawnpatch's daughter. Yes, her daughter. He got to his paws, looming over her with haunting blue eyes. ''But, what do I have to do anything with your ambitions? Why try to find me?'' That's what most made Dream curious. Why did she want to find him?