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Old January 1st, 2018, 05:54 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post
If someone told Honeythistle that they were going to meet a cat named Cloudstrike, he wouldn’t think they were talking about a she cat. That’s the main reason why her name bugged him. When he first began noticing her back in Riverclan territory, he was a little shock that she carried such a stallion-like name, but during that time his intentions were meant to woo her, so he pushed the meaning of her name to the back of his mind in order to win her affections. Now, that he landed the alabaster beauty, it was the perfect moment to change her name. He changed her life after all, which was a major thing, but a little name change? That was minor. She repeated what he said, and Honeythistle simply hummed in response. His eyes gave her a gentle look as she questioned him further. Not that her voice held anything accusatory, as she seemed to be baffled that he wanted to change her name. “Because, I want it changed.” That was the simple answer. It was the truth. To others, it wasn't a big deal of what her name was, but to him, it was misleading, so he didn’t like it. For Honeythistle, if he didn’t like something, then he was going to change it. One way or another. The tom felt pleased when she muttered the pretty words Can I do that? In order to encourage her, he pressed his nose to her cheek. “You’d be crazy not to do it,” he purred. She seemed more inclined to change her name because when Honeythistle looked away, that familiar dreamy expression clouded her facial. Honeythistle gave her a curt nod. “We will be changing your name.” He finally said. Making the decision himself. He picked up a paw and licked it nonchalantly as she continued to think it over. Her voice made his ears perk and the tom looked up towards the roof of the nursery, then he nodded. “Do you like the name Pearlstream?” He cooed at white molly. Truth be told, he also liked Pearlstream’s name. It was as beautiful as her. “I suppose something simlilar. Equally equivalent to stunning and gorgeous,” he growled. He took a moment to allow this to sink into the queen before he got to his paws and weaved around the she cat, pressing firmly against her while his tail draped around her back. “It’ll be as beautiful as the name I given - “ Pause. His features lit up at the Idea of her new potential name. The silver tom regained his posture, and he purred into her ear. “How about something with the name Dove?” Obviously, she was his dove. He’d given her that nickname the first (Well, second) time he saw her because he didn’t want to acknowledge her actual name unless he was angry at her. “Hmm, How about Doveheart...? Or Dovepetal? Maybe Doveflower?” He suggested, then quickly shook his head. Mothflower already had that suffix, and he didn’t really feel so close to the common suffixes of ‘Heart’ and ‘Petal’. Pondering somewhere, he suggested, “Dovegaze,” he says, more so in a joke, “Your eyes are very gorgeous, by the way. Don’t know if I ever told you that, but now you know.” He playfully nosed her ear. “Maybe, Dovepelt?” No, no - Honeythistle almost shook his pelt. “Never mind that suggestion, what about Dovevoice?” He purred. That had a ring to it. Her pelt as white as a dove and her voice as gorgeous as...he couldn’t even describe her talent. But, even that name felt unsettling to him. So, he finally grasped an idea and purred lowly, “Dovecoo...” now, there was something about that name that sounded like it was perfect for her. So, he cooed at her. “My sweet Dovecoo. I like the sound of that. It should be your new name.” His orbs light up with a new fire, and he didn’t hide his happiness when he insisted the name. It would be her new name. It was perfect.
Cloudstrike barely noticed Honeythistle's hummed response, her mind still swirling with the implications of changing her name. He answered her first question, the question of why. The answer didn't provide much insight, but Cloudstrike didn't know what else she had expected from the tom. Honeythistle wasn't one to entertain questions of his motives. Cloudstrike was intrigued by the prospect, she had never considered it before. Honeythistle pushed her with words of her being crazy not to and with his nose touching her ear. He spoke again, this time more firmly, shaking her out of her thoughts. So, it was decided. She was changing her name. Part of her was disappointed but she didn't try to argue. The molly was already getting used to her new lifestyle. The only choice she had now was which name she was going to take. "I do love Pearlstream's name. It seems so elegant!" Honeythistle agreed that the name was beautiful and the two of them began to think up new names for her. The silver tom mentioned her nickname then seemed to get an idea. Dove? Cloudstrike liked the sound of that. It could make a lovely name. She started thinking of new Dove names but Honeythistle started listing them off, and the snowy queen decided to simply listen. A calm smile found its way onto her face and she sat down. With each name, Cloudstrike scrunched up her nose and shook her head. "Aw, thank you!" She purred with a laugh at his compliment, bumping lovingly against him. "Mm, I agree. Not your best." The she-cat teased after hearing 'Dovepelt.' Finally though, the perfect name graced the air: Dovecoo. It was beautiful, sweet, elegant. It fit her white, dove soft fur and lovely singing voice. "I love it." Cloudstrike smiled and nosed Honeythistle's fur.
go ahead and cry little girl, no one does it like you