Thread: Zoie's Hillside
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Old December 28th, 2017, 11:44 PM
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Default Re: Zoie's Hillside

Originally Posted by Mauve View Post
"I have to go at least find out."

A cold wind swept across the rather peaceful field, chilling the bones of the two feline figures that stood atop the loping hillside. The dazzling array of pink and purple flowers seemed gray and dreary in the chilling winter weather, and the faint taste of rain was present on the breeze. The two cats stood facing each other, one with her fur fluffed out to protect her from the cold, and the other shaking slightly as his wiry limbs were exposed to the elements.

"But my son," Zoie whimpered, her eyes sparkling with fresh sorrow as she took a pawstep closer, gazing up at his face. Despite him being her first born, he towered over her smaller frame. Nevertheless, the she-cat continued to gaze up at him. "It is so dangerous. Especially this winter. Snow has not yet fallen, but surely you can taste it on the breeze, as I can?" Her tone was begging, pleading with the other figure to not leave. As her words cut through the air like razor blades, the tom's expression broke just a bit. The mask of no emotion seemed to falter, and for a second a hint of doubt lingered in his pale green eyes.

Twig lifted one paw, drawing it over his ear to dismantle the self-doubt. "I have Clan blood running through my veins. I owe it to Reedta- my father." He was still getting used to the fact that he now knew his father's name - and more importantly, his heritage. Before, he firmly believes that it was just him and his mother residing in these rolling hills. Prey had always been plentiful, not giving him any reason to believe there were other felines roaming the open grounds. But now, with the sound of waves crashing in the distance and the fluttering curiosity that had settled into his sponge-like heart, the brown tom knew he just had to discover for himself - what were these Clans that his father had belonged to?

A sigh left Zoie's lips and she shook her head, stepping back to withdraw from blocking the open path. She knew that once Twig left, it would be a miracle if he returned. After all, she had once ventured out into the unknown of the Clan territories. It was there she'd met a slender RiverClan warrior - so charming and mysterious and stoic... The lure that pulled her towards his life almost found her claiming a new territory as her home, but in the end Zoie couldn't do it. That's when she discovered she was pregnant with his kits. A Clan warriors' kits. But she could not have gone back. The tempting feeling to join her forbidden mate in his life as a Clan cat would be too strong, and she certainly did not want to raise Twig in that life.

He noticed his mother's nostalgic glaze, the same one he'd come to recognize when she was telling stories of his father. Adrenaline pumped through him, managing to keep him rather warm despite the gusts of cold wind that rocked the grass. "I will come back. I promise," he told her, touching his nose gently to her forehead in reassurance. In truth, however, Twig was unsure of what he would find. What if his father asked him to join his side? What if it felt more like home than this hillside, where he had resided for almost eleven moons? He shut his pale green eyes tight against the looming possibilities, pushing them all out of his head and focusing on the most important cat in his life at the moment; his mother.

"Travel safe. And please, remember your skills. I know you've been raised in a peaceful life," Zoie began, stepping back and looking up at Twig once more. Her eyes burned with a fierceness that made Twig understand he needed to shut his jaw and just listen. "But the world out there is much darker and cruel than our tranquil, serene barn. Hunt when you need to, and don't be afraid to unsheathe your claws in dire situations. Okay?" Zoie needed Twig to understand the journey he was about to embark on. How once he left the sight of the barn, she would no longer be able to protect him. She needed him to also know that if he chose to join RiverClan, she could not follow. "And please," she added, more quietly as she held at bay a wave of sadness that threatened to drown her. "Remember me."

The mask of no emotion ruptured once more, and the well composed face Twig had fought so hard to keep finally shattered. His forelegs felt weak with the weight of what the future held for him, and for a brief moment he felt as small as a newborn kit again. The trickling thoughts of doubt began to creep back, and Twig swallowed, his nerve firing at every end as they began to claw at his mind and heart. "I won't," he managed to get out, his voice strangled with emotion.

Knowing he couldn't bear another tearful exchange, Twig straightened himself and dipped his head. "I love you mother. I will return one day, once I have my answers." He gazed at her once more, studying every detail of her face, of the love he saw in her dazzling blue eyes, before promptly turning on his paws and padding away. His pace fast and eyes narrowed ahead, he began his journey into the unknown territory - the residence of the five mysterious wild Clans.

Zoie watched Twig leave, his back retreating further and further from her sight. His scent, a mix of hay and flowers began to fade, and the ache that began as a trickle felt like heavy stones in her chest. "I love you too, my son," she whispered, her voice being carried away by the breeze. She continued watching until his brown fur was no longer recognizable, and disappeared amongst the thick undergrowth of the forest that surrounded their hillside. Another sigh, and with that the brown she-cat turned and trudged back into the shelter of her barn. Today was a day of sadness, and the seclusion that her barn provided matched what she needed most; to be alone.

* * *

The day was rather warm for the middle of winter. With a gust of wind running rampant through the field, Zoie stood at the entrance to her barn, blue hues gazing out over the expansive land. It hadn't even been a moon since Twig had left in search of his father, but still the dull ache felt new and fresh every day. Still, she tried to push the thought of her only son venturing into the unknown by keeping up with her daily routine; a nice walk through the flowers, a quick nap, and some hunting and fighting practice to keep her skills sharp, should she ever need them.

"I know he'll return one day," she mewed to herself. A determined smile settled onto her face, trying to mask the pain she felt inside, as Zoie trotted off towards the field of flowers. Their colors seemed more vibrant than they had that day, and for once Zoie let herself relax as she enjoyed the sight of them.
Ashes found herself in a quite warm day, for being Winter. She was pushing through the winds though, with a slight chill, she ignored it however. She noticed a garden full of, what used to be pretty flowers, were now just plants with grey bulbs, she stared across the clearing, noticing a hill. She decided to check the hill out, out of pure curiosity. After she raced up to the hill, she noticed a den, the scent was new, she new another cat used to live here.

Last edited by Arieson; December 29th, 2017 at 02:17 AM. Reason: misunderstandings in the original post
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