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Old December 24th, 2017, 01:51 PM
red_inactive red_inactive is offline
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Default Re: Dog eat dog world [ Private ]

Originally Posted by Celestial View Post

The officer looked almost as tense as sage did. He had always hated the job he was given, he always pulled the short straw and he always had to break the news to the waiting family's. The pit in his stomach grew and he reached his hand out and clapped it into his shoulder. "your going to want to sit down sir" said the officer pulling sligtly at his collar. Without asking he stepped down and waited for sage to sit down. (Assuming he did ) "is sasuke home by any chance? Wolfheart right?" he said softly rubbing the back of his head as he stood above the man.
A small boy peered around the corner of the living room. Alexander was 10 at this age, still very unaware of how things ran around the place. He saw the police man and looked slightly frightened... It reminded him greatly of the night he was found. He scurried across the living room and grabbed sages hand in his own leaning on him and slightly hiding himself out of fear.

[ @.:Blue Wishes:. Is Alex the partner in crime bro? ]

Sage gently shut the door behind the officer before moving towards the dining room to sit down, tucking his legs under the chair neatly as he was prone to do when he was nervous. He gently squeezed Alexander's hand soothingly, glad that his adoptive son had come over. If he was correct in his assumptions, he would need immense comfort from the child as well as Naruto. Trying to keep his voice from trembling, he cleared his throat and looked at the officer, meeting his gaze. "Sasuke should be here soon." He said carefully, biting down on his lip just like Amelia and Royce, who lived in a different city altogether. He swallowed, trying to get rid of the lump forming in his throat. He looked back down at Alexander, and squeezed the boy's hand once more.
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