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Old December 20th, 2017, 05:43 PM
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meraki meraki is offline
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Default Re: all or nothing <private>

Originally Posted by mompaws View Post
The dishevelled blonde locks of Conan Detorri easily made him stand out when in the crowd of eager, and not so eager, students. It seemed as if he had barely woken up, pale tresses messy and sprawled across his forehead, whereas his outfit had just been thrown on randomly. He wore a pair of dark denim jeans, which had a slim fitting to them; only making his already lithe build even more scrawny-looking. A dull red sweatshirt hung off of his shoulders, with earphones and a half-empty bottle of pepsi clutched in between his fingers. The male would've usually sported a pair of thick-rimmed glasses as well, but he'd decided to go with contact lenses for today. Not the coloured ones, though. He preferred his natural eye colour anyways; a steely grey, almost blue shade. Most thought they were nice, and sometimes he would even get complimented on how unique his eye colour was. Although, it was typical Conan behaviour to shy away from kind words, and simply just disregard them.
Slinging his green backpack over onto both of his shoulders, the lanky boy began to break out from the groups of pupils, noticing a certain someone over by the stairway. A goofy grin broke out across his features, and a noticeable pace change occurred as the bedhead now approached his well-known friend.
Shovelling a calloused palm underneath his dirty blonde tresses, a welcoming phrase hopped its way out from his chapped lips. "Eyy, Mav--" the words were cut short as the boy held out a hand; hoping for the other to respond to his request. They couldn't be best buds without a secret handshake, right?
Maverick had one earbud in his ear, the other hanging down so he could hear if someone spoke to him. He stuffed his phone in the pocket of his jeans, legs kicking back and forth boredly. After a moment, he brought his leg up onto the wall where he sat to tie his shoe; simply a pair of old white hightop converse. A voice startled the boy as he turned around quite quickly in surprise, eyes widened slightly, but then a smile broke upon his face. “Conan,” he said glad to see his friend. Mav had been getting rather bored, really. “What’s up?” He asked the other, while high-fiving him, then moving his hand into a first and fist-bumped the other, and moving his hand away slowly while wiggling his nimble fingers in an explosion. Their handshake was cheesy; yes, but the two had been friends since they were kids and the handshake had simply stuck. The teen messed with his own hair, trying to fix the unfixable. Maverick’s hair was shorter than Conan’s, yes, though it still looked like he forgot to get a haircut two weeks ago. It stuck out at weird angles, but Mav didn’t much care. Anyway, some of the kids in their school found it “hot” and the teen simply loved to mess with the emotions of others, so he let it stay.
i tried to write your name in the rain
but the rain never came
so i made with the sun
the shade,
always comes at the worst times

character site: wip
art: my da

Last edited by meraki; December 20th, 2017 at 06:00 PM.