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Old December 18th, 2017, 12:52 PM
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Brilliance Brilliance is offline
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

The pulsating of a heart. The rhythm of heavy paws stomping against the moist, soft grounds, the feel of a slight wind ruffling the fur. It was a delicate race. A thoughtful process. When one knew they entwined with the wind. It was like Passionblaze could run with his eyes closed without bumping into anything. The key word being could. However, hisbeyes were widen. Those golden orbs moving in every direction as he flashed a grin toward any clan mates he passed. As he skidded to a halt, using his hind legs to feel back; he stopped. It kicked up enough dust, some getting into his eyes, making him gag up a moment. "That's not," Cough."What I," Another cough. "Was planning." Last cough. The flamed tom got up to his paws and shook his pelt. "Talk about a grand entrance," he rolled his eyes. One thing he needed to work on was his hinderance. He could never stop without causing an erupt of dust bunnies floating around.
Since he didn't feel like grooming his fur, he walked around the perimeter, nodding in acknowledgement to the other felines around the area. He definitely wasn't thinking about leaving camp again. Nor, was he hungry. While on that little run, he filled up on garden foods. The pleasant of blueberries wafted into his nose, overwhelming him with pleasure that he followed the scent to stuff them down. When he returned to Thunderclan, that little snack lingered onto his pelt, mixing in with his strawberry scent.
In the distance, Passionblaze strolled to a flower bush. He wasn't an expert on the floral beauties, but he did know that when his eye caught a pretty sight, it was hard for him to look away. So, he sat in front of these unknown flowers, and he took a sniff at them. Who knew it could be such a perfect day...even when war was approaching soon. Taking a run, eating fruit, and now being enthralled by these multi floral beings? What could make a day more perfect? Passionblaze sighed blissfully.
