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Old December 15th, 2017, 12:46 AM
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Default Re: Lakeclan & Darkclan warrior RP~

Originally Posted by Echofall View Post
:0 You weren't lying when you kept talking on and on about 'Lakeclan' and 'Larkclan' and 'Darkclan'. 'Lark'clan form~
Name: Marbledfur
Gender: Female
Appearance: A pearly-white female warrior with patches of sleek, silver fur that makes her look like a marble. Her eyes are icy blue.
Rank: \/\/arrior
Personality: A sly she-cat that seems hard to trust. She has never been able to keep another's secret, but always keeps her own. She is extremely mischeivious and is only a bit loyal to her clan.
Sexuality: Straight
Mate/Crush: (Can she be Fang's mate, secret though? @Fuzzyfeline)
Other: Can I make borders Entay? Also, I plan on getting Marble exiled later on, can you create her a target Entay? 0ω0

Darkclan form~
Name: Mystery
Gender: Female
Appearance: An ebony she-cat with a light gray line (and dot) that resembles a question mark on her underbelly. Her eyes are a ruthless amber.
Rogues/Ex warrior: Rogue
Personality: tbrp (unCrEaTiviTy)
Sexuality: straight
Mate/Crush: open~
Other: hi
Questions: noooo

Darkclan form~
Name: Shadow
Gender: Male
Appearance: An all black tom, purrfect for blending in with shadows. His eyes are dark amber.
Rogues/Ex warrior: Rogue
Personality: tbrp (uncreative!)
Sexuality: straighg
Mate/Crush: oPeN
Other: he is le brother to la mysterious Mystery
Oh maybe Fang could get her to spies on LakeClan and be her mate.)

Silverclaw nodded with Featherstar's words. "Yes, I will." He meowed. Hearing Moonpaw run up he purred with her excitement. "Yes, you, Lepordclaw can come hunting with me." He meowed. With a last del of his head he headed out to find Ledpordclaw. "Hay, Marbledfur. You'll be leading Minnowheart on a border patrol." He I formed the she-cat.

Minnowheart, who had just emerged from the warriors den and attached, padded over hearing her name. "Did you need something?" She asked. She was barley bigger the Moonpaw and was pretty but done growing.

Fang padded into DarkClan camp a plum sparrow in his jaws. Setting down he began to eat, his teddies gaze apart for any movement.

@Silverfrost @Sasukewolf (madness)
Adopting out all my characters but these two beans:
~Rainpaw~ ~Petuniaflame~

I'm leaving wco once I tie up losse ends around here, I appoligize for the Rps that will have to end but I thank you all for being so wonderful, love y'all

Last edited by Fuzzy; December 15th, 2017 at 12:49 AM.