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Old December 11th, 2017, 05:21 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by AbsurdJinx View Post

``Ah ha!`` Juniperpaw exclaimed, her eyes narrowed and a smirk stretched across her muzzle in determination. ``I can tend to that.`` Finally! Something I know something about! She remembered when she accompanied Daydream to SkyClan to visit Shinefang, and the ShadowClan warrior apprentice Nightpaw came with them. Daydream was saying that they'd tended to Nightpaw's injuries with chervil - a sweet-smelling, fern-like leaf that worked against infection. First, she'd have to determine if the wound was actually infected.

``Alright, I'm just going to make sure it really is infected, okay? I won't touch it - I don't want to hurt you more than you already are,`` Juniperpaw meowed casually, strolling nearer to Settingpaw and lowering her head to the warrior apprentice's leg. Just the sight of it convinced Juniperpaw that it was infected, and she was padding off towards the herb store just as fast as she'd approached Settingpaw. ``So who are you here to see?``

She searched through her herb stores, peering into each nick to find the fern-looking leaves. Juniperpaw pulled a couple chervil leaves from its respective place, carrying it over to Settingpaw. She rocked back on her haunches, setting the leaves at her paws. She sat directly beside the other she-cat, gaze focused on the chervil at her feet as she chewed it into a pulp.

She watched with big blue eyes as Juniperpaw took a look at her wound, and to Settingpaw's relief, not touching it. Settingpaw didn't like being touched by other cats in the first place, and when she had an infection that hurt, well that just made it even worse. Lifting a forepaw to give it a lick, the apprentice lifted her head at once in when Juniperpaw spoke.

"Uhh... Well..." Settingpaw's ears flicked back against her head at Juniperpaw's question. She wasn't sure how to explain to the other molly that she came to Riverclan to find her father, hoping he would want to see her, even though he ended up not wanting to. And now she was stuck in a clan with no friends, no one to talk to, and it hurt the young apprentice. A lot more than she was willing to admit. "I came here to see my father, because... I'm half-clan, and I wanted to live with my dad. But, he doesn't seem to want to see me, so I've kind of come here for nothing." She turned her face down, a bit ashamed to admit that she was a half-clan cat. Split loyalties was not something that Settingpaw liked admitting to, even though she was a pure example of one. But she had pledged that when she got here, no matter what the turnout, she would stay loyal to Riverclan for the rest of her life.

She watched as Juniperpaw came back and started to chew up the leaves she had brought out of her herb store. The black-and-white cat wondered for a moment what her background was. Was Juniperpaw a full-clan cat? Did she not have to prove her loyalties? Was she fully accepted because her blood was all Riverclan? Settingpaw only wished that she could be like that. She didn't care if she was full Riverclan, or full Thunderclan, she just wished cats wouldn't judge her harshly because of her blood.

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Last edited by RedHead; December 11th, 2017 at 05:22 PM.
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