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Old December 9th, 2017, 10:11 AM
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Default Re: JungleClan (redo)

Panther followed a trail he rembered as a kit,not sure where it led.Halo was close behind,both of them carrying one complaining kit."Why are we leaving?I'm hungry!" Fury complained.Panther didn't say anything,tightening his grip as fury struggled to get free.
"Do you even know where we are going?Or are we lost?" Halo asked,putting down cougar for a second.Panther did the same."It's familiar, and I smell cats." He said before picking fury up and continuing until they arrived at what seemed like a entrance.Panther walked in without hesitating,but Halo paused before following.
Panther looked around,now becoming uncertain.He saw a few cats,but wasn't sure he recognized any.He put fury down."Is this jungle clan camp?" He asked,looking around for a cat that looked like the leader.

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