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Old December 6th, 2017, 08:57 AM
red_inactive red_inactive is offline
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Default Re: “Hello Old Friends” {Private}

Originally Posted by Celestial View Post

[ Because I seriously lack talent this is going to be short and sweet. ]

Blue belle smiled as maple finally dragged himself out into the open. "Finally." she cooed happily as she gently licked her chest and paw trying to remove the rusty coloured blood. Just than dusk trotted in carrying a Kestrel. Her eyes widened at dusk and she clapped her paws together like she had seen the humans do before when they got excited. "wow! Look at that thing!!" she meowed praising dusk for his impressive catch. "maple and I got the rabbit. I think by his loud meowing the rabbit came to check out why he was whining. A true team effort" she meowed proudly pushing down some of the hares fur with her paw. She looked back over at dodge and studied him for a long moment than frowned. "you didn't get anything? Not even a small mouse?" she questioned looking slightly disappointed.
Originally Posted by .:Blue Wishes:. View Post

Maple was still fussing around with the few leaves that had found their way into his fur, looking up at the others. As he saw the kestrel, his eyes widened, though they quickly calmed down. Sure, he was amazed and excited, but he couldn’t let Duck know that. Wait...was it Dusk or Duck? He couldn’t tell, and he quickly got snapped back into his own world, trying to figure out which name it was. As he saw Dodge, he looked at the other tom. “Did you not get anything?” he asked, before smiling. He didn’t care whether anyone else had gotten anything, but there was a kind of satisfaction knowing that Dodge didn’t get anything and he did, well, he helped, but nonetheless. It made him feel even more self-centered. A moment later, he believe he smelled a mouse, and, going against his normal dislike of catching prey, he went after it. A few moments later, he had a warm mouse in his jaws, his eyes bright with pride. “Look what I got!” he almost yelled, his words somewhat muffled by the mouse as he laid it down, smiling like an idiot now.
Originally Posted by Aleka View Post

Dusk couldn't help but grin when he saw Dodge's empty jowls. "Yeah, did you not get absolutely anything at all?" He pressed around a mouthful of distinct feathers. In all honesty, he would of liked to catch something else to go along with it, but the kestrel seemed enough. And the fact that even Maple had caught prey, even if it was an near-instant kind of thing. Still, it must've been even more salt in the wound for the black tom. He looked in Maple's direction for a moment, who was smiling like just a bit of a maniac, and it just looked pretty ridiculous. After a moment, he let the limp prey drop from his jaws, landing on the ground with a almost inaudible, muffled thump sound. His ear flicked as he tried to squash down his overwhelming joy that Dodge had caught nothing. He kind of knew that Blue Belle and Maple wouldn't really approve of this thought if it popped into their heads, but it was also them after all. Blue was just so... Blue, and Maple was just so narcissistic that it was kind of hilarious

Dodge was silent for a moment, trying his best to hold back a slew of insults that would be directed at the trio- every one of them!- and managed to keep his mouth shut long enough to avoid that very thing. However, he couldn't resist this one little jab at the idiots in front of him. "Well, it's hard to hunt when everyone's making a huge racket on this small patch of territory." He raised his paw and looked at each of them in disdain. "You all probably scared the prey away for miles with your constant babbling and inability to stay quiet." He sneered, oddly not regretting it as he looked directly at Blue, and then Maple, and finally Dusk. He gently hooked a bright red berry onto one of his claws, feeling oddly sadistic in that moment. He looked directly at Dusk and a small smile quirked at the edge of his jaws. "Do you know what this berry is?" He asked smoothly, unable to quell the utter rage he felt from hearing them talk so much, two of them not knowing that their words were negatively impacting Dodge and the other just a mouse-brained piece of fox-dung. "This is a yew-berry, more commonly known as a death berry. Just one is potent enough to kill a full grown cat such as myself." He looked at it before chuckling. "I wonder how it would affect cats such as you three, who haven't grown up at all it seems within these last few years." He sneered, hooking another two onto another couple of claws, before popping open the kestrel's mouth and sliding the first into its beak and stuffing it down the dead bird's throat. He then moved over to the rabbit and placed the second berry on its neck, right where Blue had caught it, and slid the berry into the wound. He finally looked at the mouse and dropped the berry beside it. "That little thing can be your dinner for tonight." He sneered, raising his head. "I'm leaving you idiots. I might find a nice twoleg or two that'll pamper me for a bit before I go looking for a new home, far, far away from your pride-" He pointed at Dusk. "-Your narcissism-" He pointed at Maple. "-And your sickening attempts to make everything happy and fine." He finished by pointing at Blue Belle. "You all can learn for yourselves that the world is so much worse than you want to believe." He put away his claws, raising his head and stalking off into the underbrush, disappearing into the foliage within seconds.
Inactive account: keeping just for archival purposes.
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