Thread: KingdomClan
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Old December 4th, 2017, 05:54 PM
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Default Re: KingdomClan

Originally Posted by Shadow View Post
Silent shook his head slowly-clearly dissipointed that Cats would do such a thing. “They should be greatful that you even took the time to think long and hard about what they should be.” the older cat sighed.
Originally Posted by Mystic View Post
Amber smiled, ``Oh thank you Queen Cleopatra, I try my best for the queen, and my friend.`` She purred happily.

Sparrow followed Prince Ares and Leaf, it was his duty to be the Body guard after all.
Originally Posted by Cheshire cat View Post
Her ears perked up and quickly rose her tail flicked she nodded
" It be an honor! " she meowed " don't worry I'll be back soon enough " she added and ran as fast as she could her paws like a white blur. She made it over the part that blocked the clan. She smelled a squirrel near by as the wind blew she spotted it near a bush , she crouched and was quiet steering clear of any leaves . Her ears pricked as she crept up to it quickly soon turning into a speed walk , the squirrel out its head up but then back down . Snow pounced on the squirrel and snapped its neck I'll take the tail of the squirrel that way she'll have enough she races back and leapt over the same barrier and ran back up to the princess she placed the creature at her paws and stepped back
" I'll have the tail....I mean...gah! Why does it sound so... Pushy? Ugh I mean.. " she meowed and shook her fur she scratched the ground in frustration

King Apollo laughed, he liked this cat. "I do agree with you." he meowed with a purr. "Say have you seen my mate?" He asked with a tilt of her head. "I only saw her this morning." he frowned.

Cleopatra purred at Amber. "Thank you." she purred as she stood up. "Do I look okay?" she asked as she turned her blue-green eyes on Amber.

Princess Aphrodite waited and when she came back she let out a purr. "You can have as much as I can. You have a right after all." she meowed as she sat down.