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Old November 25th, 2017, 10:32 AM
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Default Re: Welcome to U.A. (Roleplay. You can still join!)

Originally Posted by Ant View Post

Kaira sighed with relief once he realized she wasn't too hurt and even though he knew she could be healed easily he still did not enjoy hurting allies, as he shook these thought from her head he realized that she was gone and he had not seen where she had gone,'Dang it, this always happe-'His thought was cut of as he attempted to block the staff but it hit him on the top of his head, he winced in pain but quickly knowing he was cornered he bolted away,"Jeez, that was like getting hit by a hot iron."He joked.
Portia smirked as her staff hit, but her confident smile turned into a frown. She had been too late in making her portal. At his joke, Portia offered a smile, looked down at her feet, and fell into a portal.
Originally Posted by Swiftheart View Post
"Oh it's nothing special.I can turn into most common animals like a cat or dog or something." She said,looking at the ground.'Mine is nothing compared to hers.' she thought,but smiled a bit."Yours could make you and excellent hero!I don't really know if I can become a hero with such a useless quirk like mine." She laughed a little.
Originally Posted by Akari View Post
Onito Listened to their conversation. It Wasn't that hard, since they were not whispering or anything. `Hmm, that's more useful than you think...You could become a Bird, and distract an attacker while someone who has a better quirk comes in and does the dirty work.` he thought, decieing not to say that since even to him, that sounded like it was telling her that her quirk was rather useless.
Beaut chuckled. "Useless? If you want to talk useless, mine's that. I'd be better as a therapist. My quirk makes me an empath. I can sense emotions if I touch someone and I can manipulate them, but I don't like doing that. Makes my head hurt," she explained with a smile. "Your quirk sounds pretty cool! Maybe you can strengthen it and turn into something like a tiger." Beaut began to fidget with her hair. It was an unconscious reaction when she spoke much more than normal. She lets go of her nervous energy through straightening her hair with her hands.
:”3 Yikes. Talk about a hiatus.
I’m back and gayer! than ever!!