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Old November 12th, 2017, 08:36 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Medicine's Cat Den

Originally Posted by AbsurdJinx View Post
@Charmer @Leo the Loke @Spooky-Flameleaf

Juniperpaw nodded. ``So it's settled.`` She swallowed painfully, not very eager to end a kit's life, even if it was for the better. Breathing heavily, Juniperpaw cast everyone in the den a quick glance. ``You are encouraged to stay and comfort Perchkit throughout this ordeal, but it is understood if you must leave.`` And with that, Juniperpaw neared Perchkit, lowering her head until she was level with him. ``I'm going to fetch the herb that will help you now, okay?`` She smiled softly, hiding the pain that stabbed her in the heart. And with that, Juniperpaw padded across the den to the herb storage to search for the signature red berry that would end the kit's misery. She intended to remain at her herb storage for a few moments, acting as if she couldn't find the deathberries when in reality she was making time for the family to say their goodbyes.
Originally Posted by Spooky-Flameleaf View Post
@Leo the Loke @AbsurdJinx @Charmer

Bramble's eyes began to water.
He didn't want to see Perchkit die like this. But he didn't want to see him suffer either. Bramble blinked and a tear fell onto the sandy floor.
He sighed and began to groom Perchkit.
Originally Posted by Leo the Loke View Post
Hollydawn curled up around Perchkit,"of course, Perchkit," she knew this was the last time he would hear his name from her until she herself joined StarClan.

@Charmer @AbsurdJinx
Perchkit closed his eyes as he nestled into his mother's fur, the warm milk scent reminding him of the nursery. Soon he'd feel better and he's be back in his nest with his siblings. It was Shardkit's turn to be the invading rogue. Maybe they'd play clan invasion tomorrow if his belly stopped hurting. His father's rough tongue scraped across his fur. The little tom felt nice and safe here between his parents. Then he heard the sound of a drop of water hit the ground. Was Bramble... crying. "Don't cry, daddy." Perchkit rasped. His burned from the last vomiting fit. Another wave of pain racked his body, and the little kit spasmed and twitched as his stomach gave another violet heave. A trickle of blood ran from his parted jaws as he lie on the floor, eyes glazing over.
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