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Old October 30th, 2017, 09:49 PM
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Default Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post
As Cloudstrike paced, seemingly out of boredom, Honeythistle tried to stay focus. When Cloudstrike got in his line of version, he refrained himself from scolding her once again. "Why are you so restless, dove? Sit down, please." His tail twitched, and he blinked his gaze to follow Cloudstrike's movements. She certainly was distracting him from his train of thoughts since he tried to keep one eye on her and one on the leaders. The only one who spoke reliable sense up there, was no doubt, the Shadowclan leader. As she walked back past him, sighing, Honeythistle rolled his eyes towards the sky, praying to Starclan that they would keep his emotions at bay. Was she annoyed? Was she tired? Was she just doing this out of spite? "Cloudstrike - Honey - Love, please. Just sit and listen." He let out an exasperated sigh. To be honest, he hoped all this would end soon. So, he can go back home...have a nice, long, private chat with his eldest.

All too soon, Blazingstar shouted war, and followed by the screech of the Syndicate's leader - Halite. It made everyone's fur bristled upon the call to attack. Even before the shout was heard, at the appearance of the tabby cat, Honeythistle jumped to prepare to protect himself and what was his. Cloudstrike had.followed pursuit, and it knocked Honeythistle off guard. If she really thought she was going to fight, Cloudstrike had another thing coming. "Yeah," Honeythistle snorted. "Repeat what you said. The clans need warriors - not Queens." He said, sternly. She had been so powered, so determined to protect the clans, but Honeythistle wouldn't allow it. So, far as others around them looked for an opponent, Honeythistle kept a wild expression of aggression planted on his maw, and he edged himself closer to the angora. "All you need to worry about is staying behind me. If there's somewhere to hide, you hide there. Do you hear me, Cloudstrike? And, I mean what I said." Even if Cloudstrike was sweet, somewhat obedient. She was known to question him. Mostly out of confusion. Honeythistle was prepared to fight. Not answer questions. "No ands, ors, or buts about it. Actually, don't even ask any questions about what I told you to do." He added, to be sure his word was paid heed to. He kept himself in a low crouch, his claws extended, his ears perked. His sudden thoughts transferred to his other Queen. "Rosenose..." He muttered. Just the thought of her made him want to bombard through all these cats just to make sure she was okay, then that would mean leaving Cloudstrike to fend for herself.
Cloudstrike could hear the exasperation in Honeythistle's voice but continued to pace rather than sit down. "How could I not be restless? If I'm not pacing then I'm just sitting alone at a gathering since my escort is ignoring me." Her words were laced with slight irritation and the white queen flounced back in the direction she'd just come from with a dramatic sigh. To be fair, she didn't even know that Honeythistle's mate- or one of them at least- was at the gathering, so it made no sense to her why he would be ignoring her. Cloudstrike paced throughout the news and the fighting of the leaders. Grumbling to herself when Honeythistle exasperadtedly asked her to sit down again. Dramatically, Cloudstrike slammed her haunches onto the ground beside Honeythistle and huffed in annoyance as she gazed up at the leaders with bored, dreamy eyes.

Finally, something exciting happened. Cloudstrike didn't like to fight, but anything was better than just sitting at the gathering doing nothing. Well...not anything...But she still wasn't above slightly injuring a few cats if they attacked her first. Alas, she never got the chance. Honeythistle noticed her stance and called her out on it, rejecting her attempts at explaining herself. Even in the stress of battle, Honeythistle remembered all of the rules. That was unfortunate for Cloudstrike. So, the molly could only stomp over behind the tom and stick her tongue out as she was bombarded with words. Yeah yeah yeah...She thought, rolling her eyes and keeping her claws unsheathed just in case.
go ahead and cry little girl, no one does it like you