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Old October 29th, 2017, 09:22 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Training Ground

Originally Posted by woly View Post
daypaw loved teaching, no matter how grumpy they were. daypaw walked around the shecat in a circle, inspecting her form and how she was crouching. they smiled,"yeah, just like that," they felt happy seeing their warrior training going to use.their tone was softer, as if they were talking to a family member, all grumpiness gone. they wonder what kind of apprentice they wouldve gotten, what kind of mentor they wouldve been like. they were old to be an apprentice. they were a moon away from getting their warrior name, only to restart their life all over again. they missed this, being out on the training ground, preparing to defend their clan. now they patched things up. you could see genuine happiness in their eyes when they see nightpaw got it right,"im going to place a moss ball a little bit aways from here, i want you to see if you can land on it,alright?" they mewed, though they were sure she could handle it. padding about two fox lengths away they caught a ball of moss between their claws, placing it on the ground and taking a few steps back.
Nightpaw smiled, he tail waving happily as Daypaw announced she had the form right. And what's more, Daypaw looked happy to see it. Nightpaw had had a couple of conversations now with the enby where they'd been able to talk about the things that bothered then, but being this happy and relaxed was not a thing she'd seen before. She liked it. She like seeing Daypaw happy. And what's more, they were a good teacher. Nightpaw was able to very clearly understand what the medicine cat wanted when they explained it, unlike Skunbelly who seemed to expect her to already know everything and get frustrated when she didn't. Eyeing the mossball carefully, Nightpaw waggled her haunches as she prepared to spring. She began to leap but stopped, realizing she was pushing up from her front paws instead of her back. She inched backwards to her spot again and rocked on her haunches, trying to remember the feeling of her back legs springing. Ready at last, she leaped and over shot the mossball by half a tail length. "Mousedung," she muttered, and returned to her spot again.
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