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Old October 25th, 2017, 10:07 PM
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Default Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

This was all too easy. Stephantis managed to pin this weakling of a she cat down, and he felt a forceful piece of nature try to knock him off guard from ending this gal's life. Stephanotis growled, "Don't fight a battle you can't win." His orange eyes blazed, and swiftly he turned back to the Molly he placed his weight on and he used his sharp teeth to cuff around one of her ears, hoping to hear her yowl.
Oh, yes! A yowl of pain. Because pain was the epitome of the entire battle. It was wonderful to know your enemies have been beaten. While he kept lock on this other Molly, his mind shifted towards the Tom. Oh, was this her mate? Oh!...he must be! Stephanotis let go. No use of bothering her when he could get at the other one.
"You wanna fight so bad huh?" Stephanotis lashed his tail, his expression held a glow of mischief and he advanced towards the fallen Tom. This cat wanted so badly to yank him off the she cat, so he must wanted some attention. "Okay," Stephanotis shook his pelt, and lunged at the other cat. "Let's dance." He snarled, hoping to pin the cat down with claws clinging tight to his side.

Cherrydawn felt the tom pinning her buffet under the weight of the black and white pelt. It could only be Skyfeather. She struggled, but couldn't break free. Cherrydawn let our a small, quivering yelp as the cat's teeth cuffed her ear. She shut her eyes tight, certain that he'd sink his teeth into her throat, but much to her shock, he stepped off of her and took a menacing step toward Skyfeather, his tail lashing angrily as he challenged him. She staggered to her feet and stared in horror as the tom she loved snarled at the Syndicate cat, and as terrified as she was, as much as her body begged her to run away, she couldn't let Skyfeather get hurt. In a flash of memory, her body channeled one of the first battle training techniques she had ever learned. Bolting toward the tom, she craned her neck to grab hold of his tail in her teeth and yank him off his feet. The tail yank: its exactly what is sounds like.

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