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Old October 23rd, 2017, 05:39 PM
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Default Re: October Gathering

Originally Posted by Role View Post
Alliumeyes was taken so off guard, the claws at her belly weren't felt until the skin was broken. Alarmed, the young warrior leaped away. Fortunately, the lacerations weren't deep enough to gorge her stomach. Alliumeyes narrowed her blue orbs, and circled her opponent. "I assume your name is Rain," she began slowly, using all the menace she had in her voice. "My name is Alliumeyes, and don't you forget it. I'll take you down tonight." The warrior launched herself at Rain, snarling and aiming for her shoulders. However confident she felt, she had no idea what would happen that night.
Bump @Silentshade
:”3 Yikes. Talk about a hiatus.
I’m back and gayer! than ever!!