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Old October 22nd, 2017, 08:27 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by SparkleDemon View Post

Runningkit walked out of the nursery, looking around the clearing with her jaw parted from seeing the camp for the first time. The kit ran over to the fresh kill pile with excitement, but didn't take any prey. He wasn't hungry. He was just very excited to be out of the nursery and away from his mother Frostedbelly. The kit looked towards the nursery in case either his mother or his brother Seekerkit would come out, so he could hide from his mama. Runningkit went behind the warriors den as if Someone was behind him. The brown and white kit peeked his head out, keeping his eye out for any of his family. They'll never expect to find me here. I wonder what den this is? Is it the warriors den or the apprentices den? Runningkit pulled his head back with force.
Frostedbelly trotted out of the nursery, her tail raised as she looked around, her gaze slightly narrowed. The brown and white molly had to admit- she hated letting both of her sons out of her sight. What if something happened, and she wasn't even there. Her whiskers twitched. She huffed quietly, her dark amber, almost red seeming eyes darting around as she looked for Runningkit, who had seemingly disappeared. Now, where has he gone? She wondered, glancing back toward the nursery, in case Seekerkit would also come darting out.
It was quite obvious to her that her kits tried to avoid her at all times, since she always tried to keep her around her at all times. But it wasn't like she kept her tail curled them at all times, she let them wander around a bit, as long as she could see them.