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Old October 21st, 2017, 04:33 PM
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Teza Teza is offline
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Default Re: The Four Sisters- Applications

.:Personality Overview:.
Loyal | Dependable | Reliable | Intelligent | Confident | Dedicated | Decisive | Focused | Forceful | Leaderly | Mature | Organized | Responsible | Rational | Realistic | Serious | Stable | Wise
Aggressive | Ambitious | Ascetic | Complex | Confidential | Determined | Dominating | Deceptive | Driving | Formal | Hypnotic | Maternal | Moralistic | Obedient | Outspoken | Political | Proud | Questioning | Quiet | Reserved | Self-Conscious | Skeptical | Strict | Tough | Unpredictable | Unreligious
Abrasive | Abrupt | Anxious | Argumentative | Antisocial | Assertive | Blunt | Brutal | Calculating | Cautious | Course | Cold | Crafty | Cruel | Cynical | Devious | Egocentric | Fearful | Hostile | Impatient | Opportunistic | Regretful
.:Personality Description:.
Avalon is a very loyal she-cat, but only to her sisters if she were to be completely honest. She loves them dearly and tries her hardest to protect them as well as keep them in line. She tries her best to be dependable and reliable to them, as well as anyone they decide to work for, be it the Dusk Syndicate, or some random employer. The she-cat is extremely calculative in her decisions, and thinks about every little outcome, making her very intelligent. Her confidence skyrockets when her sisters are nearby, for she knows that they can conquer the clans if they wanted to. While she does joke around with her sisters from time to time, Avalon tends to prefer staying quiet and serious, just in case something or someone is lurking in the shadows. She is extremely protective of her sisters and will allow nothing to happen to them.
With all that said, Avalon is not a good cat by any stretch of the word. She is harsh, ruthless, and will stop at nothing to finish the job or protect her sisters. She doesn't particularly like kits, deeming them as a liability more than a tool for the future, but she will tolerate them if her sisters think they need one. Avalon has very few morals, but those she does have she will never break, like killing kits who haven't even had the chance to open their eyes yet. The she-cat tends to let her pride speak for her, unless the situation is dire, in which she will allow her intelligence to take over, and she will swallow her pride. She is very stubborn, always trying to make her sisters see the safest path rather than the shortest. Arguing with her is like arguing with a brick wall, for she knows she is right.
Avalon hates losing. That's a given. However, she would rather take a physical loss to an emotional one. This stems her long line of regrets that have accumulated over the moons of her and her sisters growing up in the Dusk Syndicate. Sure she appreciates the training and what little support the group of murderous cats had to offer, but she still feels bad that her sisters and her might be all that's left of the group. More often than not, her thoughts are clouded with memories of the Dusk Syndicate, which make her very hidden from the rest of the world. She shuts her gates and locks them tight so as not to get hurt by any cats again. The only ones allowed to enter are her sisters, to which she keeps as close to her as possible. It is her sworn duty to protect them with her life, after all...
.:Appearance Suggestions:.
Maybe something short-haired like a Japanese Bobtail?
.:Age Suggestion:.
Hmm... I would say anywhere from 20 moons to 30 moons if you wanna keep them youngish
.:Gender ID:.
.:Roleplay Sample:.
Taken from a different roleplay that my friend and I are doing on Discord
Something had happened. Something wasn't right. But what could it be? Why didn't she recognize the area she was in? Nyxx knew all the coastlines, yet she couldn't pinpoint where she was. Had she hit her head too hard? Where's my boat? she thought as she glanced out to sea. As soon as she saw the shattered remains of her glorious ship, Nyxx threw her hands in the air. "Why does this always have to happen?!" she shouted at the top of her lungs, her scratchy yet somehow still beautiful voice growing angry at the world. She let out a small sigh and crossed her arms, falling back on the white sand and glancing up at the clouds. It was a lovely morning.
Maybe it would be possible to make the best of it. She slowly brought herself up to her feet, dusted her clothes off of the sand, and allowed her heterochromatic eyes to wander the beach. She didn't know if she was alone, and it certainly felt like she was being watched. "Who's there?!" she growled, almost hissing in the direction of the trees. Something was certainly there, though she couldn't be sure if it was sentient or not. At least, not yet...
3.96 but I'd like to get that up to at least 4.9 soon
I'm thinking Avalon (or my version at least) could be kind of the older sister of the group, despite them being littermates (I assume). I'm putting code here 'cause idk if I need it or not, soooo just to be safe lmao; aaaa She would only really show her "nice" side to her sisters, and maybe one of the kits they kidnap after it grows on her a bit xD
I've finished my app xD
I noticed you put something about a code for those who want to apply to hire the sisters, yet I couldn't find the code in your post, nor have I seen anyone else put a code (unless it's hidden really well in their apps xD). My question is, do we need a code? Found it <3
Also, I'm so excited for this you don't even know lmao
@Milky Way
I'm so sorry for any and all inactivity on this site. I'm in a decent spot now and can try to finally get back into the warriors scene.
My Chars | Finder

Last edited by Teza; October 26th, 2017 at 08:40 AM.