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Old October 13th, 2017, 09:58 PM
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AbsurdJinx AbsurdJinx is offline
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Default Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
Surely whatever she was going to ask couldn't be too bad, could it? Obsidiansky wasn't that uncomfortable with Fawnskip asking him something, although he couldn't help but feel a sting of disappointment at not getting to ask his own questions. He wanted to ask her about her flirting, he wanted to ask her if she'd ever had her heart broken (personal though it was), he wanted to ask her what she loved about WindClan. He wanted to ask her all of those things, but it looked like he was going to have to wait. "I have to admit... you're more fun... then I thought," The tom panted, giving her a bright smile. "I thought... all you did... was throw out flirty compliments," He added with a shrug. That wasn't the best thing to say to someone. Especially not someone that he could see himself crushing on.

But, Obsidiansky hadn't really thought about that - he thought of it as an honest comment, something from his honest opinion. Silence fell and, for a moment, the dark tom was content just to sit and think in silence. Wonder about what her question would be, until she finally asked it. And it was more personal then he liked to answer. Special she cat? Who was he supposed to answer for that? Sagewhisker... Canineheart... they were both special, and they both had feelings for him. For a moment he was silent before he seemed to have his answer. "A couple of cats that I'm trying to figure out feelings for, yeah. Both close friends." His friendly nature seemed to disappear for a second and he lowered his head.

Right now, Obsidiansky was nowhere near as comfortable as he had been. He shifted his weight and looked down at the ground, before meeting Fawnskip's eyes again. "Sometimes I wish I could just forget." It was an incredibly personal statement, but he knew Fawnskip couldn't hurt him with it. As long as he kept his heart closed off, she couldn't hurt him. And that was what he was trying to do. It was hard not to open up to another cat, when he so badly needed someone to understand, to listen, and he wished more then ever that Infernosky was here. She would listen to him. She was so good at listening to him.

Please, use your deputy-sense and come find me, Infernosky. I really need you right now. In the past, he would have trusted Sagewhisker with this, but he was afraid to tell her - afraid to ruin their friendship. If Infernosky was here, he knew Fawnskip wouldn't dare try anything. The stern former deputy was too intimidating to allow someone to do something like that.

(Infernosky appears out of nowhere
Inferno: I'm here to save you Obsidian
Obsidian: yES thank StarClan
Fawn: wait what I thought you and I were having fun
Inferno: -glares-
Fawn: -winks at Obsidian- Siiiidiansky
Inferno: -glares harder-
Obsidian: -hides behind inferno- don't scare me Fawn)
[ xD
Fawn;; ...Siiiiidsters
Inferno;; -death glare- Stop it
Obsidian;; stop please dont hurt me
Everyone;; ...
Fawn;; Siidian! my brother from another mother! you know me c; ]

Fawnskip tried to ignore Obsidiansky's uneasiness. From her point of view, she had asked a very common question, but then again, many toms - and even she-cats - asked her if there was anyone special in her life. She was used to it. It seemed, however, that Obsidiansky was not. She could only think, Oh my, he might be more of a challenge than Blazingstar. At least Blazingstar played her games openly, while Obsidiansky seemed to be trying his best not to play. However, Fawnskip had worked with both types of cats before - stoic, and playful - and if she remembered correctly, she had come out on top. She'd simply have to work harder on Obsidiansky.

Reminding herself to maintain appearances, Fawnskip shook her head sadly, golden eyes expressing her compassion. ``I'm sorry to bring that up. I was just trying to see if you were, well, if you were available.`` She glanced down in an embarrassed manner - rather convincingly, too - shuffling her paws. She laughed softly in a way that seemed to be criticizing herself, raising her head once more to look at him. ``I have a lot to apologize for, actually. I know I came off rather strong...`` She shrugged as she spoke, quickly surveying the area before looking at Obsidiansky once more. ``I suppose I just like to make an impression. And honestly, who wouldn't want to make an impression on you? I mean, you yourself said many she-cats are padding after you. I guess I thought I'd be one of them.`` Fawnskip laughed again, shaking her head disbelievingly as if she couldn't understand why she thought she'd have a chance with him.

Of course, all of Fawnskip's apologies were not true, but it wasn't like she was going to tell Obsidiansky that. And no, she did not expect the dark-pelted tomcat to have so many admirers! Sure, he was handsome, but he was also quite... well, for a lack of a better word, shy. Fawnskip preferred those who were confident and playful. It did seem that Obsidiansky had a playful streak in him as displayed through their race, but he didn't seem to have the type of confidence she admired. ``Silly me, huh? Hey, did you still want to ask me a question? Because you can - feel free to. Maybe we could just ask each other questions and get to know one another? What do you say, Sid? Are you prepared to answer more of my questions?`` She flashed him a challenging smirk, puffing out her chest confidently.
My activity is likely gonna be a lil' wacky, so please be patient with me if we're roleplaying! Thank you so much!