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Old October 12th, 2017, 08:35 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by ✨Blue Wishes✨ View Post

Goldenstar had tensed up for a moment, unsure whether he had said something wrong or not, however, once Halfgaze had responded, he felt a lot better. It was almost funny how anxious he could get over stupid things, such as interacting with someone. He really needed to control it, but then again, he didn’t want to attract any more attention than what was already on him. “You’re not doing anything wrong, trust me,” he started off, smiling. “You just interact with them like there wasn’t any sort of power on either of your shoulders,” he added. “Just because you’re a deputy doesn’t mean you can’t relax, and just be a normal cat,” he said. Part of that was to make Halfgaze feel better, the other way was to try and convince himself through all of this. “You do your duties when you need to, but don’t let it interfere with your social life,” he said, smiling. “Don’t stress yourself out!” That was how he simply finished, knowing that was pretty much the main rule. “I like how you’re doing the patrols,” he complemented after a moment, as he really was amazed with how the she-cat did it. He had never been good at it personally, as he was afraid to call out names and such, but the way Halfgaze did it had him in awe, still smiling as he stood next to Halfgaze.
Halfgaze could see that Goldenstar was nervous, and recalled noticing that anxiety seemed to be a part of his personality earlier. However, he managed to keep his cool and Halfgaze silently commended the older tom for that. Goldenstar's advice was welcomed with open ears and a few nods. It made a lot of sense to the she-cat and she gave another nod and a smile along with the words, "You're right, thank you. I'll try to keep that in mind and not stress too much." Halfgaze added in a little chuckle, knowing fully well that she tended to take things too seriously. Goldenstar's praise made the new deputy beam and Halfgaze purred, "Thank you!" It felt good to already be doing well with her duties, especially since she had been worried that she wasn't succeeding.
go ahead and cry little girl, no one does it like you