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Old October 9th, 2017, 07:20 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Raven & Co View Post
Bella was awaiting the answer, her ears slowly lowering and she almost jumped when she saw the other cat, pressing against her lover, she remained close to him. She was actually rather sad that he didn't answer her question, though, by his expression, she guessed that he wasn't ready. "Well... If you're looking for me, I'll be in our nest, Goldenstar." She mewed and gave his cheek a lick before heading over to their nest and curling up, she closed her eyes and waited to see what would happen between the two, ear perked, she would, at least, listen to the conversation.
Originally Posted by Aleka View Post

(mentioning did not go well...)

Well. Ink had certainly succeeded in getting the other feline's attention. He seemed to think for a moment, and it took a heartbeat to awnser. "I uh- wanted to join your clan...?" He asked hesitantly. What else was I supposed to say? He practically yelled at himself inwardly. "If that's okay-" He said hurriedly, averting his green gaze toward the ground. Please don't let me mess this up... The feline thought, with a barley noticeable flick of his tail. This really was his best chance if he wanted to survive, since he sincerely doubted he would of been able to learn how to fight and hunt by himself, and the mentality of a clan just seemed.. nice.
Goldenstar nodded as he heard Bella, wanting to answer her, yet unsure how to do it. Well, that could wait for another time. He looked back at Ink, trying to just focus on the other cat for the time being. This was the first cat he might be admitting to Shadowclan, but there was a process that came along with that. “I’m going to ask you a few questions,” he started off, not wanting to seem scary. It was somewhat hard to be scary when you were one of the shortest cats in your clan after all. “Why do you want to join Shadowclan?” He asked, wrapping his tail around his paws calmly, smiling at the other tom. Even though he probably shouldn’t have seemed awkward, and slightly nervous, he was like that anyways.