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Old September 26th, 2017, 10:41 PM
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Empress Of Evil Empress Of Evil is offline
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Default Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Originally Posted by Beau View Post
After her words to the clan, Halfgaze remained standing where she was. The molly was simply dumbfounded and was far too shocked to move. I'm the deputy...I'm going to be leader...The thoughts were too much. There was no way that Halfgaze was the right cat for the job! She had to tell Goldenstar that she couldn't do it. The thought was ridiculous, her...leading the clan? Come on! What kind of joke was Starclan playing on her? Her words had come out steadily enough, to the point where she doubted anyone could sense the turmoil inside of her. The tortoiseshell went over them in her mind and nodded to herself, content with her word choice. Still, that was the only movement that stirred her multi-colored body. Too engaged in her own thoughts to move from her spot or even to acknowledge her surroundings, Halfgaze stood lost in thought among her clanmates and the cats of Riverclan.
All of a sudden, a familiar voice was talking to her and a familiar scent reached her nose as something bumped into her shoulder. Halfgaze's dazed eyes caught sight of a charming grin before actually taking in all of Cardinalsnake's features. While Halfgaze appeared a stoic cat, her close friends and family could usually bring out her fun side and the new deputy set aside her worries to smile back at the tom. She laughed at Cardinalsnake's words and bumped his shoulder in return, play-growling, "Watch it! Or I'll put you on dawn patrol every morning for the rest of your life!" The feline laughed and mewed in a more serious tone, "I'm not sure I'm right for this, Cardinalsnake. I'm honored and I love Shadowclan with everything I have, but what if I ruin the clan?" Voiced aloud, the concerns seemed rather farfetched to Halfgaze, but she didn't regret speaking them. Maybe some advice from her best friend would help her.
Noticing how the she-cat was standing very still, the red pelted warrior couldn't help but snicker at her. Of all moments to appear stoic and mysterious, she had chosen this moment. If anything, this was the perfect time to appear warm and friendly and leave a good first impression for everyone to remember. His best friend could be so strange at times.
"Well, that doesn't sound too bad," Cardinalsnake purred. "It would be the perfect way to meet lots of pretty she-cats," He continued smoothly. Honestly, the idea didn't really appeal to him. He was hard working and liked to contribute by going on patrols when possible, but he wasn't much of an early bird and he relished whatever sleep he could get. Flirting, socialising and attending to duties was actually more tiring than one might think.
At her more serious tone, Cardinalsnake quit the joking tone for just a few moments. He could sense something was wrong. He listened to her words, not saying anything as she spoke. For a moment, he stayed silent, a thoughtful glint in his leafy green gaze. "You are the right cat for the job. Do you really think that Goldenstar would choose some random cat and stuff up ShadowClan's future? You were chosen for a reason. You'll see, you'll be one of the best leaders that ShadowClan has ever had. Trust me. I'm always right," Cardinalsnake said, softly at first, but with a joking boastful tone at the end. The warrior couldn't quite understand why she was doubting herself. She had been chosen by the leader himself, she was obviously the right cat for the job. Although the tom had not yet had the opportunity to try befriend the golden tabby, he knew that Goldenstar wanted the best for his clan and so he would leave the clan in good paws. Had he been the one chosen for he job, he knew he wouldn't be doubting himself. But Halfgaze wasn't him. They were two cats who were similar in some ways and different in others. "If you accidentally become power hungry and crazy then I'll stop you before anything gets ruined. I am great at saving everyone after all," He purred. He was 99% sure that wouldn't happen with Halfgaze, but that didn't mean he wouldn't watch out for her, just in case that 1% changed to something bigger
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Enjoy the good times <3 because something terrible is probably about to happen