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Old September 6th, 2017, 10:19 PM
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Default Re: ~CoveClan~ & ()BoulderClan()

Originally Posted by Flameleaf View Post
[Sorry, didn't get the quote]

Clouded Whisper turned his attention to his Echo Call and Wish Rock. "Im not sure." He admitted. "But I just hope that CoveClan doesn't start any trouble."

Soon they reached the Gathering place. Clouded Whisper turned and nodded to his Clan before bounding in and taking his place. "Sorry we're late." He meowed, turning his attention to Falling Acorn. "Would you like to start?"

[@blue jellie forgot to mention you, lol]
Originally Posted by blue jellie View Post
Whoops! This went by me 100%.
@Hopekit @Flameleaf @Webpaw All The Way~ @Snackdubbbz @Starstar @Shadow @Role

Falling Acorn glanced at Clouded Whisper as he appeared on Water Rock next to her. "Don't worry about it," she reassured him, pushing down her feelings of anxiety once again. The leader nodded slowly, standing. She yowled into the crisp night air, "The Gathering has begun!" The small clearing fell silent around her save for the rustling of the branches overhead and a couple crickets every now and then. "CoveClan doesn't have much to report. Our Clan is thriving, and prey is running well." Falling Acorn paused for a moment to let that sink in, before continuing to her greater news- "I have one more thing to announce. CoveClan will no longer be held back by the rules of our ancestors. We are breaking away from the agreement that we would hide in the shadows. We are strong!" The last words were yowls and they echoed around her.

Fast Current settled onto a small patch of grass. When her leader was finished, she cheered. The young warrior had always felt restricted, held down by that law. Plus, CoveClan was stronger now. If BoulderClan retaliated, they would beat that Clan of rocks to the sediment it came from.
The prophecy rang in Fast's head. Did it apply to this battle that was sure to come?
She shrugged it off. So what if it does? That means we'll be even better prepared.

Wish Rock gave a small twitch of her ear in acknowledgement, and dipped her head in agreement. Her tail-tip twitched as they reached the Gathering area. She watched as Clouded Whisper nodded, and she didn't much pay attention to anything that happened after that. Such as Clouded Whisper apologizing for being late, such as Falling Acorn reassuring him, such as Falling Acorn exchanging Clan News. Well, she didn't listen until the yowl that cat had yelled got to her small pink ears. Wish Rock heard a few crickets in the background as Falling Acorn continued, her ears now awake and listening to every word. Her eyes widened and she gaped. She repeated that sentence a few times over in her head.CoveClan will no longer be held back by the rules of our ancestors. We are breaking away from the agreement that we would hide in the shadows. We are strong! CoveClan will no longer be held back by the rules of our ancestors. We are breaking away from the agreement that we would hide in the shadows. We are strong! She didn't bother protesting against CoveClan, knowing it would only stir up trouble and possibly invite her into punishment. She just kept her mouth shut, even though that didn't stop her from using facial expressions to express her thoughts about this prospect; of abandoning the rules that our ancestors had agreed upon. Those rules were there for a reason, it wasn't just because our warrior ancestors liked to be bossy and give orders. No, they were to keep peace, to keep stuff under control, that type of stuff.