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Old August 23rd, 2017, 12:28 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
A pale, goldenish feline made her way into the clearing. Bright green-gold optics glanced around and a smile was on her maw as she settled down in a spot that looked to be somewhat occupied by other cats - close enough where she could join in conversation, if she felt that it was acceptable, but far away enough that it didn't seem like she was wanting to impose herself on them. Today was going to be a great day. Morningpaw could feel it. Her green-gold optics scanned the clearing... was a new friend available to be made somewhere here? She hoped so. So far, Morningpaw had met quite a few great cats... though they didn't seem to be out here this morning. Probably training somewhere. That was okay, the golden she cat could entertain herself just as readily! Her bright eyes continued to scan the clearing as she tried to plan out her day. I could go hunting - since my mentor's been so busy lately. I have the whole day off, that's the greatest! Or, I could always work on some battle techniques. Those need work. Or I could invite someone to come hunting WITH me, or help me with my training... the she cat glanced around, her optics flickering for a moment as she wondered who would be the best cat to ask. Sometimes the kits wanted to watch her. That was always fun, "performing" for younger cats. And sometimes, there were warriors that she got to have really cool conversations with. But, Morningpaw's favorite thing? Just getting to know her fellow apprentices.

Tawnypaw was stuck in dreamland, really. Why? Because she couldn't stop thinking about someone- more specifically, Moonpaw. Perhaps it was because the two were best friends, or she was concerned about her health after the accident, but she couldn't help but feel like this was something more- a thing she didn't ever feel for Aspenpaw, despite how close friends they were. Every day, she couldn't help waking up thinking how beautiful her friend was, how she wanted to spend the day together- how her scars only made her look even more amazing. Even padding out from her den that day, she was still on her mind- perhaps it was what called her to lose her way throughout camp, because boom. She'd suddenly found herself running into another, golden-furred apprentice, stumbling back in a daze as she felt her paws buckle in both shock and embarrassment. "...Sorry about that." She mumbled- maybe as Dapplestar's daughter she should've been a bit more careful, but her mother was both dead and crazy- did it matter all that much?