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Old August 23rd, 2017, 08:09 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

Thea tilted her head to the side giving him an unbelievable look. As if to say 'what are you talking about?' Thea didn't know what she wanted...or, did she? That was quite a large question. With various of answers. "What do I want?" She repeated, finally, then looked into the distance. Above at the sky since she was still on the ground. With a smirk, she replied, "I want for others to think I won't claw their ears off just because I'm so tiny. I want others to appreciate my loyalty instead of reminding me that I was a kittypet. I want to be like the queens in the nursery -" she stopped for a moment. When her eyes landed back on them, they burned with a gorgeous green gaze. "I want kits. Biological kits." She said, rather confidently than anything else. All the other stuff she said could be forgotten because she only wanted one thing. Kits of her own. "And, before you say anything - I love Mothkit and Nightkit, but they're going to be apprentices soon, and I want to nurse my own little ones. And..." Well, what else was their to say. It was rather embarrassing to be coming to him about her problems. Her last litter was a fail since she had a miscarriage, but then again, she had been pretty young. She figured Wesealshade was a tough warrior, and that she would be taken cared for if she bore him a litter. After all, what tom wouldn't be gentle with the she cat that were pregnant with their young. "I think it would be fun," she replied, distantly in a dreamy voice. The future had been bright. Filled with little thems running around. Even if they weren't mates, it would bring them together. A lot closer. "Maybe, having kits...will bring us together? Because let's face it," she snorted. "We don't work well together." But, one day - she hoped they would. But even if it wouldn't work out for the best, there were a lot of other toms that was probably willing to not let the opportunity go to waste.

Kits?!? Thea wanted kits? From him? The tom couldn't believe what he was hearing. Her first many wants were reasonable, but kits? From him? It just didn't make any sense why she would ask. There were plenty of other toms around though. Maybe just because she knew him, they had known each other for a while, so she might see him as the only cat who might agree to it. But Weaselshade was still frozen. Frozen to the spot. He was paralyzed by what she had said. He couldn't understand why she would ask such a question. He wasn't the only tom in the world. It drove him crazy just to think about it. Finally, taking a deep breath, the tom was able to unfreeze himself. "Thea, let me get this straight." he stated, taking in several long breaths between words. "You want biological kits, from me?" Not giving her time to answer, he added, "I thought you hated me." With his words, his ears twitched. She did, didn't she? Weaselshade knew she had a point that they didn't work well together, but biological kits could bring them closer, like she said, or pull them farther apart. Weaselshade did not want them to be pulled farther apart. Despite his dislike of Thea, he decided she was a decent cat. He could live with her for the time that it took to raise the kits. Though it wasn't really Thea that worried him. He thought she was a very nice cat, it was possible that he even liked her, no it wasn't that. It was the fact he would be a terrible father. He didn't have a mate, (Which was a good thing to), so he didn't know what it was like to raise kits. He was raising Mothkit and Nightkit of course, but they were adoptive. It had to be different with biological kits. You know you're their real father. So, it would be more of an embarrassment if one was a terrible father to biological kits. He knew that if he was a terrible father, his chances of Thea ever actually working well with him were slim. She didn't seem to like him that much already, and she would absolutely despise him if he was a terrible father. He didn't want to be embarrassed in front of her, for being a terrible father!
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