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Old August 2nd, 2017, 10:10 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Warriors' Den

Originally Posted by Flameleaf View Post
Tigerdawn woke up to the blinding sunlight streaming into the warriors den. She stretched and yawned. What do I have to do today...? She thought, still half asleep. Right, Cherrypaw's training! Tigerdawn shook her pelt and padded out into the clearing. She blinked against the sunlight, letting her eyes adjust. Then she walked over to the Apprentices' den. "Cherrypaw?" Shemewed softly. "Cherrypaw, its time for training," Tigerdawn took a step back and waited. What's taking so long... Usually she'd be up by now...

Cherrypaw was dead asleep, having only made it back shortly before sunrise. A small voice at the edge of her hearing seemed to call her name, and she raised her head, disoriented. "Huh? Wha-" the apprentice muttered sleepily, barely opening her eyes to see that bright sunlight was streaming in through the den roof. She groaned, then just as she was drifting off again, she heard the voice again. It was Tigerdawn. "Training..."she meowed sleepily as she shut her eye, then snapped them back open in a rush of panic. "Training! Oh Starclan!" She bolted out of the nest and into the clearing, her fur untidy and bits of moss plastered to the side of her face. "I'm sorry, Tigerdawn! I'm up! Let's get going!"