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Old August 1st, 2017, 07:13 AM
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Empress Of Evil Empress Of Evil is offline
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Constellation View Post

Fireflykit was never an early riser. In fact, he liked to sleep in late. Sleep all the time. At least sleeping was a way to keep him out of trouble. The young tom kit turned over, feeling the soft fur of his mother against himself. His eyes were still closed, and little snores came from his mouth. That's the only thing Fireflykit enjoyed doing; sleeping or getting into trouble. Though his mother's warm pelt always lulled him to sleep, and when he turned over, hoping to feel his brother's fluffy pelt against his own, the tom was greeted with cold air. A passing breeze. This is what woke Fireflykit up, flicking his ears. He checked around the nursery, but his twin was nowhere to be found. However, he did see another kit and her mother. Though she was asleep, her glossy dark fur shining the brightest to him. Fireflykit let out a deep sigh, and he staggered to his paws, stretching his limbs in the process. Where could Lightningbugkit be? Wasn't it a bit...too early for the tom to be up? Last time he checked, his brother was not an early riser.

Fireflykit padded to the entrance of the nursery den, poking his head out, and having his green hues flicker around to catch site of anything as fluffy as he was. Brightleaf wouldn't have noticed that they were gone...would she? Nah, of course not. Fireflykit had a lot of confidence. Hard to knock him down, and he held the attitude that matched it. With his tail strung in the air, he padded out the den in a confident manner. He knew his brother's scent. It wasn't hard to find him after that, but another thing that led him to his brother was the fact that he heard a she kit yell something at him. Asking if he were okay.

Fireflykit followed the voice of the young she kit, hoping that he would find his brother in the process. Bingo. There he was, and Fireflykit laughed. Though he was happy because his brother looked the least bit hurt. But, he had came just in time to hear the other kit's mew. It made him roll his eyes. She sounded too...caring. If that was possible. ''Lightningbugkit don't need Wheatfur!'' The fluffy tom padded towards his brother, and swatted at him with a paw. ''See? He's fine! No scratches!'' He nodded, then brushed his tail above the tom's head. ''But soon he will have a scratch!'' Fireflykit said, his fur bristling slightly as he stared his brother down. ''How could you wake up before me--then, don't even wake me up after you get up? Unbelievable! I feel betrayed! I would had never done this to you!'' Fireflykit might have sounded serious, and a bit mean to the she kit, but to Lightningbugkit, his brother could see through his playfulness easy more than other cats. This was because the twins understood each other greatly, Though Fireflykit was still a bit salty that his brother would do anything without him. They were a duo. Double trouble. Two peas in a pod. Only, Lightningbugkit was more mature than Fireflykit. Did that matter? Not at all! Fireflykit was the type to ignite a fire and keep it flaming. Whereas Lightningbugkit knew how to be nice and extinguish it.
Originally Posted by RedHead View Post
Lightningbugkit's vibrant green hues widened in surprise when a gray tabby kit bounded over to him, checking him over. The tom kit wasn't sure what to think at first. He'd never experienced this before. "Um-I'm.." His sentence was cut off as a similar golden calico bounded up to the two kits. His matching green eyes rolled, and Lightningbugkit flattened his ears slightly at Fireflykit's words. "Yes, I'm perfectly fine." He told the She-kit kindly, hoping to cover up some of his brother's rude words. "But thanks for being.... Concerned." I hope that's the way to put it. She seemed a little more than concerned.

At his brother's next words, it was Lightningbugkit's turn to roll his eyes. "Calm down Fireflykit. You're getting worked up over nothing." Lightningbugkit could tell his brother was also playing around a bit, and he swatted his twin back with a paw. "I figured letting you sleep in would give you less time to wreck havoc." Lightningbugkit's eyes gleamed with amusement, then he turned back to the gray-furred she-kit. "Excuse me, but let me introduce myself. My name is Lightningbugkit, and that is my twin brother over there, Fireflykit." He flicked his tail at his brother, the white fur on his tail shining in the sun. "He's a little bit of a trouble-maker, so don't mind him much. Quite high-strung too." The kit purred, loud enough for both of his companions to hear. Of course Fireflykit would know he was joking, there were no negative feelings between the two brothers. Well, there were nearly no negative feelings. Lightningbugkit couldn't lie about that. "So, what's your name?" Be asked the she-kit, giving her his natural charming smile that would be the part of cause of she-cats crushing on him in the future.

{So how about the pattern is me, Empress, then Constellation? And Cerise can come in when you want Consrellation.}
The gray tabby stared at the tom with wide, curious eyes as she awaited his reply. She noticed the surprise on his face and for a moment, was feeling rather puzzled herself. He acted as though he’d never had someone say that to him. Surely everyone would’ve had someone say similar words? “Oh good….” Ashkit said, letting out a sigh of relief. The kit wasn’t quite sure why she cared so much for someone she didn’t know, but she did a lot of things without having a reason behind it. Perhaps it was just because he was a fellow clan mate, despite the fact that he too could turn on her too and start bullying her. That’s how Ashkit met most of her bullies, she did something nice for them and return they hurled harsh words at her. She’d never understood why though, what was so different about her that encouraged them to target her? Of all cats it had to be her.

As another tom came along, one that looked very similar to the first one, her expression of bewilderment returned. There were….two of them? It didn’t make any sense to her that there were two of them, but she didn’t question it as the second tom cat spoke. The words that spilled out of his mouth sounded rather mean, and the she-cat couldn’t help but get rather defensive. “Hey! There’s no need to be rude!” Ashkit spat, fur bristling at the situation. One moment ago, she had been confused yet relieved, now she was bristling with anger. What the tabby didn’t realise was that most cats didn’t do that. Just by those few sentences, Ashkit could already tell that she wasn’t going to get along very well with the second kit. Her attention turned back to the other kit as he spoke again, her hackles still raised and jaw clenched. His polite tone seemed to calm her down and she relaxed, yet her gaze hardened whenever she glanced at the newcomer. “I can tell,” She muttered to herself, taking his words seriously rather than in the joking way Fireflykit would. “I’m Ashkit!” She then replied in a more cheerful tone, the negative emotions suddenly gone. It was as if none of that had even happened. Out of curiosity, she took a small glance at the tom called Fireflykit just to see if he was angry about her sharp remark early. Despite her cheerful attitude, her emotions changed again as she glared daggers at him without even realising how quickly her emotions had changed. A few seconds later, she returned her green gaze to Lightningbugkit and put on a wide grin.

[Sounds good!]

Originally Posted by Raven & Co View Post
The tom somehow didn't really seem impressed by how she acted, gazing up at the sky. This she-cat was definitively one of a kind, no one was like her, but he just kept on stroking her shoulders with his tail, in all honesty, he wasn't the kind of cat to be offended by words, seeing her fall asleep definitively made Buzzardpaw smile, he kept going for a bit until he decided that he had done enough, getting up and going around doing random things. Watching her from afar before he did what he never thought he would do, he curled up beside her, and slowly started to drift off to sleep, pressing against her protectively. Never had he thought about something so foolish, but did he really care at that point? No, not at all, giving Everpaw one last glance, he slowly licked the top of her head as not to wake her up and fell into slumber, pressed against the other apprentice.

(Sorry if it's short, but I feel like she could get mad at him for sleeping with her with how she is x3)
In a flash, the calico she-cat opened her eyes and quickly shut them tight again as the sun’s rays seemed to blind her. A few moments later, she opened them again but this time, she did it at a much slower pace. She let her yellow hues become accustomed to the light before she blinked repeatedly, trying to get the sleep out of her eyes. Once she was finished, she lifted her head from her paws and looked around to study her surroundings. Alarm bolted through her like a lightning strike as she spotted another apprentice curled up beside her. She hissed loudly and aimed a blow at the cat with sheathed paws. “What do you think you’re doing?!” Everpaw snarled furiously, moving back so she wasn’t so close to the tom. He was far too close for comfort. What was he doing? Panic coursed through her at the thought. She hated even the slightest thing that had a relation to love. She moved back a good distance till there was about three fox-lengths between them. She made a mental note to move her nest in the apprentice’s den even further away from everyone else's.

[It’s fine! Mine’s a bit short too since it is a bit late for me ^^’]
A new character site is in progress!

Enjoy the good times <3 because something terrible is probably about to happen