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Old July 22nd, 2017, 12:21 AM
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Lightbulb Re: GG[Gay Guys] [Private]

Originally Posted by woly View Post
He walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him quickly, flipping the light on and looking in the mirror. Fully awake now and all he could feel was pure anxiety. Had it been wrong to point out his tattoo? To touch it? to even mention it in the first place? Casper was a ride n die when it came to emotions; if you cried, hed cry, if you were scared, hed be scared and so on. He could also pick up on social cues such as that. The way he pulled his shirt up as if to hide something so beautiful to Casper. He regretted bringing it up. Sighing he took off his glasses and looked in the mirror again. All he could see was a blurred outline of himself. He looked and could see a distorted shelf in his vision, hands feeling around for his pile of clothes. Eventually he found them, slipping the too large sweat pants off reluctantly and slipping back into jeans and turtle neck. he slipped his glasses back on and put on his socks and his boots. They werent girl boots, a rich leather that were a high top style. Standing back up he looked in the mirror. Hed lost his hair tye on the bed he guessed. Rummaging around in his pocket he found a spare and pulled his hair back. The ponytail part was more like a ball of fluff seeing how thick his hair was bur he didnt care. hesitantly walking out of the bathroom he made his way to the kitchen, sitting at his same stool. He looked down though, playing with the edges of his sweater sleeves.
When Casper came in, Kyran didn't look at him, didn't say anything. At least not for a while. He was silent at the stove, the plates already out with half of the four eggs he decided to cook. He felt guilty, he could feel the difference in Casper's attitude. He knew he'd been a little too obviously touchy about the tattoo, he hadn't meant to be so standoffish about it, he just really didn't like the thing. He was ashamed of it.

He slid the rest of the eggs onto a serving plate, and soon enough the bacon came out too, and he set both plates on the kitchen island without looking at Casper, let alone say anything. He brought the pans and spatula to the sink, not rinsing it and sticking it in the dishwasher. Instead, he stood there, turning on the hot water and starting to clean the dishes. It was silent for a long time, so quiet it felt deafening. Kyran finally cleared his throat.

"Apologies if I was rude about my tattoo. I do not let many see it, even coming to photographers and Chichima herself, you know. It was not your fault." He sighed, finishing cleaning one pan and moving onto the next, "Really, do not blame yourself. Really, I thank you for complimenting it." And he didn't say much more, just continuing to clean the used pans.
love looks not with the eyes but with the mind;
and therefore is winged cupid painted blind.
a midsummer night's dream, 1.1
