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Old November 12th, 2016, 02:39 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Inglewood Binks View Post

Martenkit felt his brain juggling in his head from bouncing side to side for so long, and focusing on Brightkit. He opened his jaws to respond, but another bout of giggles came from his open mouth as she began laughing to. He bounced and stopped "dancing", bending his for-arms so his rear was in the air and his long spine wriggled in its arch. A result of Martenkit's childishness, but as well did the small one's body simply move to his expression like a course of water. His eyes squeezed shut and grin curled further, laughing to the sound of Brightkit's guffawing in his ears and pretty much waiting for her to snort. But before she started honking, the long kit's muscles flexed and he pounced forward, his hind legs flung behind him and arms stretched out to bowl Brightkit again.
Brightkit gave another mew of surprise as Martenkit bowled her over again and the two began rolling once more. This time she just went with it, knowing she was going to be unable to disentangle herself from her friend. Her vision was blurrier than usual, which made sense as she was dizzy from just being tumbled along the ground for the second time that day. She felt her side hit the ground as she ended up on the bottom this time and stared up at Martenkit. "Hey!" She protested, batting at his face with her soft paws in an attempt to get him off of her. She didn't really mind; it was just some kind of a game, after all, although what exactly it was they were playing was unknown to her. Brightkit smirked, which instantly turned into a bright grin- she could never look unhappy or as though she were planning something for too long, it made her feel as though there were ants crawling in her pelt...which she generally looked that way anyway, so it wasn't much of a difference. "Get off, you're gonna squish me, I'm too tiny and delicate to be beneath another cat!" She mewed dramatically, pretending to really be squished. She could be a drama queen sometimes, although it was always all in good fun and it was honestly hard to tell when she was being serious about things because of her "dramatic fun" as she called it.