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Old November 12th, 2016, 01:23 PM
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Dizerel Dizerel is offline
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Default Re: "War never changes.." [F4 RP]

"Alright, I gotta get someone else to cover my guard shift, but Ill catch up with you." Mike said, turning and heading back into the castle. after a few minutes of trying to find someone to cover for him, someone finally agreed. He quickly grabbed his stuff from his room in the castle, and started sprinting after Rebecca.

Catching up with her about 10 minutes later, he was completely prepared for anything, as he had several days of rations, medical supplies, camping equipment, all of his combat gear, and a 5 gallon tank of water, all of which was either in his side bag or attached to his custom made storage unit on the back of his power armor. "Any specific thing you are heading out to do? such as business with the brotherhood, or maybe trying to recruit more minutemen?" Mike asked.