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Old June 9th, 2017, 02:22 PM
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Aesthetic And Pathetic
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Default Re: ShadowClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by MoonHeart & Friends View Post
The golden tom's paws thundered along the ground a small group behind him they were out on a patrol he blinked as the sun shone in his eyes it was late morning since Fallenstream had trouble finding cats to join even Lionspirit had only just came back from hunting his fur still had small droplets of water on his fur but despite this he was happy to be out again, the tom did enjoy being lazy in the sun he found it relaxing. Am I forgetting something?
Redfoot! The she cat who had found quiet Interesting just thinking of how she smiled or nervously stuttered made him grin like a lovestruck fool..
why did he think of that?
For Starclan's sake they were from different clans!
Lionspirit suddenly stopped the smell that he could tell from anywhere, Why did Redfoot have to be around? Now he wanted to see her again! But the patrol they would smell her too...turning to the cats behind him he said "I'll patrol along here you all go ahead I'll catch up" after a few reluctant moments they all moved away and down to the Thunderclan border He sighed in relief this would be a lot easier, the tom padded over to the side of the river staring into the water for a moment before looking over at where Shadowclan lay his bright amber eyes searching through the tree's his eyes landed upon that black and red she-cat she was still as wonderful looking as the time he met her at the gathering, His heart was pounding as he padded onto the bank then slowly into the water needing a moment to adjust to the water then he begun to swim easily across..

Every inch closer he got to her made his heart beat faster and faster he had no idea why but he did, He found it strange but he tried to ignore the feeling as he got out of the water and up to where Redfoot stood he was directly in front of her water dripping of his golden fur realizing that he hadn't said anything he then asked "What are you doing here? You could have been found by another patrol..." his voice was low but soft as if he spoke too loudly then a patrol would come.
Why do I care?
Redfoot's heart nearly stopped.
She jumped back with fear, eyes wild with horror. Was he mad? She wasn't exactly sure. Regaining her common sense, she took a sheepish step forward.
"B-but... I didn't get found by another patrol," she joked lightly, voice still low and a bit scared. She took in his long golden fur and his muscular frame towering over her. Compared to him, she felt so small. She trembled a bit, however this wasn't uncommon for her; she was frightened easily. Her heart thumped in her chest as she tried to stand up taller to appear more capable and intimidating.
"Besides, I'm strong!" She stated in a hushed, yet very energetic voice. Realizing what she said, she hung her head a bit. "Well, I mean, kinda."
As she continued to speak, she remembered how comfortable she'd felt around the tom at the Gathering. Her green eyes glimmered in the scorching sunlight. Still, her last comment did around a little bit arrogant, so upon instinct she licked her chest fur in embarrassment
"The best you can do when life gives you a difficult time is to stand up proudly. In every game I've ever played, more enemies meant you were going the right direction. After all, life is just a game. What you might not realize is:

You are not the player,
You are the programmer."

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