Thread: SkyClan Nursery
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Old May 29th, 2017, 04:03 PM
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Default Re: SkyClan Nursery

Originally Posted by Nighty View Post
Cliffheart hadn't had an Nintentuon if explaining things ti them. He didn't know where ti behind or how to out it in terms that they would understand. They wouldn't know anything if he told them everything. That Scorchedpteal was fighting and recieved a blow on the side of her neck, nearly missing the aortic valve that would have killed her. That Beachkit had disobeyed and snuck into the battle. That Beachkit had tried to help his Mom, only to almost be kidnapped by her opponent. That her opponent was their parents worst enemy, Onyx. That Scorchedpetal had done more damage to herself by getting up to save Beachkit, saving him from a trapped life in the Syndicate.

They wouldn't understand. Either that or they would understand and be terrified of ever leaving the nest again. He didn't want that for his Little Stars. He wanted them to be confident and brave little Warriors. He wanted them to be kind and compassionate, with a fierce love, just like their mother. That's what he wanted them to be.

He didn't want them to be scared little apprentices, having grown up with the horrors of what happens in battle. He didn't want them living in fear. Cliffheart had done that before. He was doing it right now and he didn't wish this much fear, worry and heartache on any one, not even his worst enemy.

At the stirring of Redkit, he smiled softly down, pushing away al, his worrisome thoughts. His only daughter was awake, coming to see him. He watched as she carefully picked her way out of the nest, not disturbing her brothers. He nuzzled her head softly, a soothing, rumbling our erupting from his throat.

At her question though, his purring stopped. He didn't want to answer it completely truthfully. No they weren't sick, Mommy was still very close to dying. Beach kits leg was still broken. He couldn't tell his daughter that! "They're doing better, but they have to stay with Ebonyfrost for now, okay? As soon as they start to get better, I will take you, and Strikerkit, and Sagekit to go see them, okay my Little Star?" He asked, his voice gentle and reassuring, though he didn't know if he was trying to reassure Redkit or himself,
Redkit twitched her nose, and for a moment she looked at her paws, shuffling them slightly before looking back up at the larger tom. She felt a good amount of reassurance in her father's voice about going to one day see Scorchedpetal and Beachkit. It was never fun being half a family, and quite frankly, the small she kit missed the cuddles of her mother. Though she loved sleeping next to her brothers. What could beat the ultimate warmth of a parent? Nothing. At least to Redkit.

She was thankful to still have her father. She couldn't say the same for the other kits of the clan who only knew their mother. She had to embrace the fact that she was somewhat lucky. But she was also scared. Her fur still shivered lightly, and she brought up one paw, unknowingly as she on at her father. "Okay." She nodded, blinking her eyes at him. "I know we would like that. To see them. Being sick is never fun." She says, then grimaces at the thought of being sick and confined within the walls of the medicine den. Even if Redkit never actually been to the medicine cat's den, she imagined a horrid type of smell that stayed around constantly. Especially if many cats were sick and whatnot. She wondered if her mother and brother could even stand the smell.

"How long do you think they'll be there?" She asks suddenly, getting to her paws and swishing her tail to the side for a moment. She turned her head back just to check on Strikerkit and Sagekit. They were still sleeping peacefully; no worries in the world it seemed. Redkit would had preferred to cuddle back up with them but instead she rather be in the comfort of their father. Aside from him having the most information on her brother and mother, the she kit actually missed the presence of one of their parents being in the nursery den with them.

"Ebonyfrost will take absolutely good care of them...right?" Why had her voice cracked? Or the fact that she was worried over some little sickness? She didn't know what they had, but it could be a small cough or they could had eaten something not edible, and therefore gained a terrible stomachache. Or, anything of the sort.

That's what Redkit started to believe. That they didn't have a severe sickness that would kill them in the end. She was sure they would be better by the next day! The red she kit tried to always keep an open mind, or at least a positive one, but it wasn't always so. Sometimes she would doubt herself if it were true or not, then get mad whenever it affected her thoughts.

As a kit, she wanted to stay in that rank. Care-free, worried free, and loved to the core. The small she kit shook her head to stop the raging thoughts. It was never good for a kit to worry anyway. So, Redkit mustered up a small smile, and she allowed her two small paws to jump onto her father's paw. She was barely big enough to reach his chest. Her ears twitched, and losing her footing, Redkit tumbled backwards, falling onto her back, and found herself looking up at the den's ceiling. She stayed in that position, using her two front paws to fight at the air. "How have you been, daddy?" She asked, stopping what had caught her attention, as she flickered her eyes to look at him. Especially since after Scorchedpetal and Beachkit was in the medicine cat's den.