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Old May 22nd, 2017, 01:11 PM
Gone Gone is offline
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Default Re: SkyClan Clearing

Grey green hues stared out from one corner of the clearing. Now, normally it wasn't like Asterpaw to be so depressed... but after the battle she had sunk into a different state. And no, it wasn't just because her friend was constantly being hurt by her sister. No, it wasn't because she didn't like all the fighting and seeing her clanmates hurt. It was because she had killed a cat. Yes, killed. She hadn't meant to... not at all... but it had happened all the same. How had it happened? Why had it happened, more like? Asterpaw knew that the Dusk Syndicate tom, whoever he had been... whatever he had done... hadn't deserved to be killed. She'd gotten beat up pretty bad too-- even now it hurt to move around. And now she was sitting, alone, and depressed. Lonely. Worried.
Maybe she would be approached.
And then again, probably not. She wasn't really "Miss Popularity" at the moment. Though recently for whatever reason, she'd had toms watching her. That had been her sister before. Now her? Why? Asterpaw didn't know the answer and to be honest, she didn't really want to. Sighing, the young feline sat down, curling her tail around her paws. She would be a warrior soon. And yet fighting was still not her strong suit-- hunting, perhaps. It all depended. She didn't like seeing the animals losing their lives, but in a place where it was about survival? A place where it was either their life or hers? Then it was alright. She could make exceptions, but even so... Asterpaw just didn't hunt very much. Some might make fun of her for that. She took it all in her own stride, at her own pace.
They could say what she liked.
For her, it was doing the right thing, and that meant more then anything else. Curling her tail around her paws, Asterpaw sank down, resting her head on her front paws. She was tired. Exhausted. And she was drained both emotionally and physically, leaving practically nothing left. Her brain felt as though it were on autopilot, making remarks automatically without really thinking. She didn't often do that, but... now was one of those few times she had.

@Raven and Co
From a corner of camp, green colored hues were aimed straight at the she-cat, compared to other times, he could definitively see that the she-cat wasn't in her normal state, that depressed look sure didn't fit her, he had sometimes seen the she-cat happy and rarely just alone, she was often with Bluepaw, Azulpaw or Alabasterpaw, her sister. In all honesty, the tom had grown worried of just seeing Asterpaw looking so... Depressed, he wasn't the kind to just stand there and do nothing about his clanmates, well, he had been watching how she was going for a while, telling her that would be a tad too creepy for his own likings, the only thing was that he didn't want to startle her or be too sticky.

After a good two or three minutes of thinking, the tom finally decided to approach, he didn't open his maw at first and took a seat beside her, he knew the she-cat wasn't too much into fighting and he had heard about what had happened over there, but it wasn't for her to take the blame, yes she had killed a cat, but she would have to kill more during her life, after all, they had discovered that there were four other clans out there and, to be honest, it had kinda worried him, there could be wars, like the one there had been on the Dusk Syndicate, the tom's gaze was soft, and... Strangely enough, he knew what she was going through, he had, in the past, taken a loner's life because it didn't want to leave, the cat had even attacked him and he simply ended up taking its life, he even had a large scar on his chest from the battle, he felt bad afterwards, yes, but this was what the life here was about.

"Hello Asterpaw." Buzzardstride said softly, tail curled around his large paws as a soft breeze blew through the clearing, it felt good on his brown fur, yet, he had better things to focus on than the weather, Asterpaw was his priority for now. Being the fatherly tom that he was, he leaned closer to the she-cat and started licking her fur, StarClan's love, she looked so exhausted. "Something you'd like to talk about?" He asked in his ever so delicate voice, he was a big tom compared to most cats here, that was genetics, his parents weren't from SkyClan and... He wasn't at first, he had joined when he was 7 moons and now he was 16, the gaze he shot at the apprentice was one filled with compassion, he had been through the mess she had. "Look... I'll get straight to the point, I know what's wrong, and I understand the feeling all too well, so if you want to talk about it with someone, I'm always for you, Asterpaw" The tom mewed and caressed her back with his tail.