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Old May 10th, 2017, 01:42 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by Ashley/Kestrel View Post
Paws treaded lightly on a log, eyes narrowed as he glared down a water vole mindlessly eating away. His crouch was lousy and sloppy, yeah- but he was obviously trying. Kestrelberry tried to stalk towards the creature, but within moments lost his footing and slipped off the log. An irritated growl, he scrambled back up the wood, displeased and disappointed in himself to see his failed prey was gone.
The former medicine cat thought that maybe an elder would be a fitting position for him instead of warrior. He had no experience at all. Kestrelberry sighed, ears swiveling at every scuffle of a squirrel, or the caw of a bird in the sky. The forest was lively, but was he really fit for this? Dull eyes focused on a patch of poppies, his bottom flopped against the grass as he solemnly watched the flowers drift and dance in the breeze. @Lilly
Having decided to talk a stroll away from camp - and her mother who kept trying to find time to talk to her - Cricketpaw's brow was furrowed in concentration. With Blackgaze's accident, the medicine den had been quite busy, and the young Bengal had been quickly learning as her mentor went along, healing and finding the right remedies. It all overwhelmed the poor apprentice and after thing had settled down, she had informed her mentor that she required a moment to reset her mind. Now, the spotted apprentice found herself nearing the outer edge of RiverClan's territory, and could taste ShadowClan scent on the breeze. It was much stronger than a marker, however, and for a moment the fur on the back of her neck bristled. Was it a patrol? Would they attack her seeing as she was this close to the border? She shook her head, laughing at herself. She was a medicine cat apprentice. They wouldn't lay a claw on her - especially since her father was leader.

Rounding a group of reeds that were swaying in the wind, blue eyes curious as they adjusted to the new view, Cricketpaw stopped in her tracks. She was startled to see that the scent belong to non other than Kestrelberry, ShadowClan's former medicine cat. "Kestrelberry?" she echoed, padding closer to examine the dripping wet feline. After studying the scene for a bit, a smile stretched across her face. "I see warrior life is treating you well. Though, I didn't think ShadowClan cats preferred fish - or anything in the water, for that matter." A small, innocent laugh bubbled out of her, but her gaze held no trace of a teasing nature as she flicked her tail behind her, gazing up at where she was perched.
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