Thread: Retribution
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Old May 7th, 2017, 05:04 PM
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Default Re: Retribution

Originally Posted by CandyFlossCat View Post
Cloud huffed, she was stained with blood and her ear was nicked, she was covered with new scars and wounds and her heart pounded in her chest. She sunk her teeth into his leg, then clawed at his back. She licked the blood from around her muzzle, her muscles ached and her pelt was stained crimson, but she kept fighting. She growled low in her throat, the sound eerie and full of hate.
The three-legged tom yowled in anger and pain and bit down hard onto the she-cat, grabbing her by the scruff and tossing her to the side before leaping away. Panting he shook his head to try and clear the pounding of his racing heart.

( um is Cloud gonna run or nah? its okay if not cuz im thinking of Nevy collapsing soon the poor bab just aint cut out for fighting)
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