Thread: Retribution
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Old May 7th, 2017, 11:52 AM
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Default Re: Retribution


The ragdoll let out a low growl and lashed her tail "No, you didn't but your kind did. Take responsibility." She growled her usual sky blue eyes were icy and unforgiving. As the dusk syndicate tackled her down she barely crawled out of the way, ducking over the larger toms claws. She swiftly turned her body so that she was facing the toms back. Although she was trained well by her mentor, raptorflight, she still wasn't any good at fighting, although she was fairly good at evading. She let out a hiss of pain once she realized that she still managed to get clawed on her shoulder.
[I need to post this *wheezes* sorry its late]
She was out of it, incredibly tired, her vision was hazy and she could barely see where she was walking. She hoped that it would be over soon, very soon, she didn't know how much longer she could fight. Starfall lifted her gaze and spotted a cold and ruthless pair of eyes, she knew after she held the gaze that she was going to be cast into another battle. She let out a low growl and made sure she didn't move her shoulder too much, she wasn't prepared for battle, but she wasn't prepared to back down either.

[Sorry for the late reply /v\" ]
Starfall slowly padded forward, her tail was dragging behind her, she couldn't fight anymore, it was too much, the blood, too much, the pain, too much. She hated it when they had to fight, she would much rather find a peaceful way to go about things, but they started this one, and they were just responding to it. She spotted yet another Dusk Syndicate tom, her blue orbs were dull, she was barely herself, all this fighting was against what she had believed in, but, her clanmates, no, her family members had been killed, and she was never going to forgive that. The white molly let out a low growl and stalked forward, her stomach low to the ground " Don't think I'm going to show mercy." she growled, her blue hues blazed with menace.

[No need to apologize ]
The grey spotted apprentice let out a stifled gasp as he was tackled down, he didn't know what to do he wasn't taught how to fight yet, nonetheless defend himself. His green orbs were filled with absolute, pure, fear, he was going to die, and he couldn't stop it. The young tom flung his arms around with his claws unseathed, hoping to hit something, anything, he just didn't want to die. Hummingpaw managed to kick the other's stomach, not enough to hurt but just enough to move her backwards slightly for the smaller to slip away. He scrambled to pick himself up and kicked up dust as he did so, making the toms nose tickle. He turned and snarled at the molly, his tail lashing behind him "I hope that attack made you cocky. There are many ways to fend off and defeat a larger opponent-" he stated, cutting himself off with a sneeze, his fur fluffed up as he did so. He must seem incredibly mature, especially after his speech, great.

Hummingpaw was breathing heavily and was fairly wounded with his previous battle. His fur wasn't as neat as it usually was, tufts sticking up and clumps matted to his frame due to mud and blood. His green hues were dull but still held a flicker of life in the middle. The young tom spotted another Dusk Syndicate cat, he wasn't thinking and in all honesty he didn't want to, he knew that if he did he would run away, he couldn't do that to his sister, to his clan, he had to fight. With a cry he threw himself at the much larger cat and tried his hardest to take him down, calculating that with the force of his tackle and his weight, it should be just about enough to take the larger down.
Rainpebble snickered when she noticed the anger that flickered in the toms eyes, it made her joyous that she struck a nerve in the evil tom. She quirked an eye brow and grinned "Sure, whatever makes you sleep easier at night, not that I plan on letting you go alive." she giggled, which stopped once Singe stated the fact, she turned her silver hues upon the ex-leader, they blazed with anger and hatred, which was quickly replaced with amusement "That may be true, but just because they believe that Starclan doesn't exist doesn't mean that they don't believe they should fight and protect their clanmates." she purred, and it was true, she had many companions who didn't believe in Starclan, and they never plotted to overthrow Grousestar, infact they worked even harder to prove themselves to the rest of the clan. She knew that she shouldn't have picked this battle, but she saw the evil tom, and she couldn't just let him pad away unharmed, besides she had a bone to pick with that tom. She let her head lightly bump the ground benithe her, she looked relaxed, calm, she wouldn't mind dying right this moment, she knew that if she entered this fight she might not make it back out, but she didn't mind, she didn't care, she was fighting her hardest and she believed that she had fought enough for her clanmates.

When Singe dug his claws into her shoulder, and decided to twist a tad, her face was scrunched up in pain, she didn't cry out, she didn't plead for mercy. Although she was calm about her death she wouldn't mind getting in a claw or two before she passed. As she was lifting her paw images of her past apprentice flashed in her mind, the black coat and blazing icy blue hues. Was she really going to die in peace knowing that she'd be leaving Auroraflame behind? She still had so much to learn, she still had so much to teach, so many stories to tell to the young ones. Once she realized that she didn't really want to die she let out a loud snarl and clawed the side of the ex-leaders face and kicked the toms back legs, making the larger fall ontop of the elder. The odds were in her favor now.

Sweetpaw barely held back a triumphant yowl as he hit the molly harder than planed, propelling her back. Within that short time period he quickly, but clumsly, picked himself up and crouched down into a hunting position. He had spotted a few other warriors hunting and realized that it looked a lot like fighting, and hunting was the only thing his mentor had taught him do far. So of course as his only survival instinct he decided that he would hunt the molly. As she flung herself forward he spotted a slight advantage, she was off the ground, it was a very slim chance but if he was able to preform it then he may give himself an advantage in the battle. Everything went slowly, his movements sluggish, Amya seemed to slowly glide in the air. In this time frame the cream colored apprentice lunged forward, his stomach brushing the ground, getting scratched by a twig. As the molly was about to land the apprentice stood up straight as quickly as possible, straightening his legs. Everything was normal speed, there were two things that could happen, she could either go flying forward, or she could attach herself to his back and claw at his sides. He prayed to starclan that he would survive his plan.
[Sweetpaw and Rosemary]
The cream colored tom shook his head and backed up, trying to wrap his head around what had just happned. He wasn't thinking properly, his vision was blurred and his pawsteps were shaky. He came back to the world of the living when the female complimented him, he let out a growl and snickered "Same goes for you, but I wouldn't call you pretty, more like disgusting." he spat which was drowned out with a yelp as he was tackled down, again. But this time his face was buried in her shoulder, which was great for him, but he didn't want to kill her, he didn't work that way, instead he decided to stun her, hopefully. The apprentice let out a snarl and dug his teeth as deeply as possible into the older cats shoulder, hoping to startle her. He then yanked his head down and let go, replacing his teeth with sharp claws, his right paw didn't quite reach the shoulder so he dug his claws in her back instead. He brought her face close and smirked "Such a shame that such an ugly cat has to die." he hummed, using almost the same exact words she did. "But atleast your body will decompose and feed the trees, not that they'd want to eat your poisoned life." he snarled, his green eyes blazed with anger and pain, everything, everything was burning, blazing, he was sore and horribly injured from his previous battles, he hoped that it would be over soon.

Rainpebble let out a laugh as the bigger tom let out a yowl of pain, she didn't like his attitude and frankly planned on changing it. She rolled onto her stomach and picked herself up slowly, her old bones screaming at her, telling her to stop, go back, but her heart sang, told her to keep fighting, don't stop, and she didn't plan on it. She walked in a circle around the Dusk Syndicate cat, her voice low "Are you emberassed that you're getting your butt handed to you by an elder? I heard that you all kill your elders when they get to old. Maybe you should keep them, they can teach you how to fight correctly, and you oubviously need the lessons." she snickered, her tail flicking behind her. She stopped pacing around the tom and stood proudly right infront of him, she wouldn't stoop so low as to jumping on him from behind, she was more humble than that. Her cheek was bleeding and it stung, greatly, but she's received worse, and she wouldn't let her shoulder pain and cheek pain get the best of her. "The thing that makes a good warrior is the ability to let go of all selfishness and to push past the pain. Are you good enough to actually be considered a fighter?" she mocked, her sliver hues blazed with amusement. As the tom lunged forward she flung herself forward, meeting in the middle. She noticed that Syndrome was going for her good shoulder, but she noticed a little too late. She let out a cry of pain as the large tom shred her other shoulder, tears forming in the corner of her eyes. It hurt, it hurt a lot, but she had to fight, fight for her clan, and in a sense fight for her beliefs. As the tom clawed at her shoulder she leaned forward and sunk her teeth into his shoulder, biting down hard. She brought up her paws and brought him closer with a hug, except this hug involved claws and deep scratch marks on the black toms back.

"As long as I exist, you will always be loved."
Spiderthroat is the Deputy of ThunderClan
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The waves that crashed upon
The rocks that you were trying to walk along

And in my head I heard them play a song
For you and me

Let's get lost at sea
Where they will never find us

Got stars at night to guide us

Last edited by Starfall; May 7th, 2017 at 02:02 PM.