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Old April 5th, 2017, 01:29 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Training Moor

Originally Posted by Dark Melody View Post
"Tell anyone and you're a dead mentor-father-cat!" Hunterpaw yelled after him with a grin, before it hit him what he'd said. For a moment he just stood there for the longest time, then shook his head vigorously, turning and racing off before his mentor could say anything. Dont get too attached. He's not my father. He told himself, taking a deep breath.

The scent of rabbit filled his nose and a grin spread over his maw. Picking up speed, it was almost like he was flying over the ground, his paws barely touching the grass before picking up again. It was exhilarating. Hunterpaw took another deep breath and took a sharp turn, seeing a flash of gray and white fur out of the corner of his eye. With a challenging snarl he pushed himself forward, slamming his paws down onto the rabbits back and hearing a satisfying crack.

Hunterpaw took a few deep breaths to steady himself, gasping. Adrenaline was coursing through him. Thats one. He thought, picking the rabbit up and turning to head back to the tree, a grin on his face.


Eclipsemoon smiled faintly at her words, nodding. He clearly sensed she didnt want to talk about Hunterpaw's affections for her, so he laid off. "I know. He has every right to be guarded." He replied, lowering his head to lick his paws. It was true, Hunterpaw had a rough life, and he had trouble trusting relationships. It only confused Eclipsemoon as to why he flirted if he was afraid of the hurt.

Eclipsemoon flicked an ear as the young she-cat brought up her father, and looked down at her with a curious, soft gaze, but decided not to comment. He hoped she knew he could talk to him about whatever was bothering her. Eclipsemoon flicked an ear at the idea of running, managing a soft chuckle at her words. "Hey, thats okay, kiddo. You'll get better." He said encouragingly, before nodding. "And practice makes perfect, right?" He grinned.
Springwind flickered his ears, knowing what he heard, but he didn’t comment on it. Instead he allowed the apprentice to do his job in hunting, and Springwind searched for anything that he could catch himself. In the distance he stalked a small grouse. It was the perfect catch, but those little birds were very predictable. They knew their surroundings and the key to hunting was to never allow your scent downwind into the prey’s nostrils. It would give them time to run, and Springwind did not want to lose this catch. He crouched down lowly, and stalked forward. Once he was at a desirable length, he pounced up, his claws extending and he lunged for the grouse until it was trapped between his paws. He nipped at the throat line, and let it dangled from his mouth.

The tom trotted back to the designated tree where prey was kept. He threw a quick smile over at his apprentice, knowing he caught a rabbit. Looking at the rabbit brought back treasured memories. He knew if Alunapaw was here, she would be sinking her fangs into the meat at no second thought. It made him laugh, but he turned back, giving a glance at his apprentice before he went off to make another kill.


Alunapaw got up and stretched, hoping that her body was ready to go on a much needed run. Not only did she need to improve her stamina, but she also needed to clear her mind. She threw a smile over at her mentor. ‘’I’m ready to start.’’ She says, and as she’s crouching into a good enough position to take off, a familiar scent enter into her nostrils, and she slowly get up, rolling her eyes. ‘’Great.’’ She mumbled, and turned her ears to hear the oncoming black-and-white she-cat. The sister of Hunterpaw. Not only was she his sister, but she was not a half-sister. Alunapaw could stand his half-siblings. Breezepaw was a full blooded sibling, and she made sure Alunapaw felt rejected in every way.

‘’Hello,’’ The fluffy black and white she cat says, a smile gracing her face. ‘’I hope I’m not interrupting anything. I was simply bored with watching Lynxkit and Sorrelkit in the nursery. I’m sure they’re bounding out to do something now, because they never listen.’’ Her voice was a southern belle, sweet and innocent-like. Not to mention that her big green eyes lured others in. Alunapaw felt somewhat jealous of her, but why would she be jealous of...half-clan scums?

‘’Well, we’re in the middle of training.’’ She quietly mewed. Though Breezepaw viewed Alunapaw was a ‘’friend’’, Alunapaw knew that she wasn’t in the least. She knew that Breezepaw was a lot more popular than her--despite her past. She also knew that Breezepaw disliked her to an extent, though Breezepaw would never admit this.

‘’I just wanted to catch up with my brother.’’

‘’Hunterpaw isn’t here.’’ Alunapaw said quickly, hoping that the other she-cat would stop disturbing them.

‘’Oh, silly girl! Only you would be thinking of Hunterpaw, wouldn’t you? I have more than one brother, you know.’’ Breezepaw shot back, calmly and sweetly. Alunapaw felt her fur bristling up, but she rolled her eyes and didn’t say anything. Maybe she should just run anyway, so that she could get away from her. From them all… Breezepaw brushed herself along Eclipsemoon, wrapping her tail around her paws neatly as she stared at him with her large pretty green eyes. ‘’That apprentice of yours is something else...however do you have the time to deal with her? I do have to admit that she’s comical. She gives me a good laugh--but that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about, brother of mine.’’ Breezepaw says, and her eyes flickered towards Alunapaw. ‘’Do you mind?’’ Breezepaw says, bringing up a paw to shoo the other she-cat away. ‘’This is private family matters.’’

Even though Breezepaw hardly knew Eclipsemoon, she wasn’t pushing him away as Hunterpaw did. She actually enjoyed his company, and came to him for most advice that she needed. He was more of a father figure to them, than their dad had been. And, frankly, Breezepaw felt that Hunterpaw should take heed that Eclipsemoon even moved to Windclan just to see them and get to know them.

Alunapaw did not have time to argue. She stalked away to practice her running somewhere else where no one would disturb her. Especially since Breezepaw made herself known at the training grounds. It seemed like everyone was taking attention away from her. Attention she clearly did not deserve anyway.

Breezepaw gave a longingly sigh as she stared into the distance. She wondered where Hunterpaw was, and what he was doing. Though there was no doubt that he was with that wise-cracking mentor of his. ‘’So, I need some advice. While I was watching Sorrelkit and Lynxkit, something seems to be bothering her. She talks to herself as if she’s crazy, and she’s...she’s...I think she’s delusional. Do you think something might be wrong with her? Maybe I shouldn’t have left her. But, I knew Lynxkit would take care of her...I’m just extremely worried about her.’’ Naturally, Breezepaw was worried for all her siblings. Half, or not.